View Full Version : Getting ready for new fish! Love advice

09-08-2017, 12:59 PM
I've been back into discus for 5 months now and I think I have a good working plan! Expert advice welcome! I have a 90g tank with a large sponge filter and a Aqueon 75 filter rated at 90g. I have a bb tank and 4 discus. 1, 2, 3, 3.5 inch. I believe they are stunted but all have good color now! I purchased a 55g plastic bin that I fill with tap water and add API stress coat + to. I do a quick cleaning after feeding before work. Amazing the mess next morning. And a 50% after the night feeding. The water change is from the bin water sits for 24 hours. I do a quick bucket cleaning to get the mess then use a fountain pump a bought at home Depot! And use it to get the rest of water out of tank and then put it back in the bucket to fill it up! I have the temperature of tank at 81.7 and the bin at 81.. May raise the temp to 83.

1) want to get 2 or 4 more discus at once or 2 at a time
2) will my filter work. Will this be ok
3) will I be okay if I use straight tap.
4) I will get 3 or 3.5 inch I want to grow out
5) I feed them 3 times a day and use beef heart bits. Will this be okay for best growth or color.

Thank you
I've posted here a few times and value all the advice so far!

09-08-2017, 01:57 PM
Hi Jewjo. It sounds you're doing pretty well so far. So a couple thoughts. Be sure to check the Aqueon filter regularly (weekly or more) for waste. I assume some sort of sponge or mechanical filtration layer. You're raising juvies, so keep up with the cleaning and the daily water changes. You may not notice aggression problems with your group yet, but it would likely increase as they get older, so the idea of adding more is good. It is important to quarantine any new fish for up to 6 weeks to be sure they are healthy and not carrying pathogens that would infect your existing fish. For this reason it is also recommended to get your new fish at the same time all from the same source. 82 degrees is the usual recommendation. Sounds like your aging bin and water change system are good. If you set up a quarantine tank (usually smaller) you'll want separate water change equipment. I'm not familiar with beefheart bits, but many folks use beefheart products. Just keep up with the cleaning.

Others may chime in and offer more advice, but sounds like you're on the right track.

09-12-2017, 02:27 PM
HI Lewjo,
If you are only keeping discus the water temperature is way too low. You should keep it between 85-86F.

09-12-2017, 09:33 PM
That's not so. There's nothing wrong with 86 but but very many of us keep it at 82.

09-12-2017, 10:40 PM
Agree with Liz - under most circumstances, 85-86 F is too high - best to keep temp @ 82.

09-12-2017, 11:36 PM
Thank you for you help. I have the temperature at 84.5 and the bin and tank are in perfect sink! I have few things in the tank! This bb tank gets me nervous a little. I want max growth! Doing the 55 to 60 percent. A little agression from previous fish but should go away in time. Now I feel I need to put even less decorations in tank. I only have one lave rock and 2 small fake rock decorations for hiding. Am I now over reacting on the cleaning? Obsessed! Lol

09-13-2017, 12:38 AM
Thank you for you help. I have the temperature at 84.5 and the bin and tank are in perfect sink! I have few things in the tank! This bb tank gets me nervous a little. I want max growth! Doing the 55 to 60 percent. A little agression from previous fish but should go away in time. Now I feel I need to put even less decorations in tank. I only have one lave rock and 2 small fake rock decorations for hiding. Am I now over reacting on the cleaning? Obsessed! Lol

That's the beauty of BB. You can still have some decorations, even potted live plants if that's your thing, but it's still easy to move them and siphon off any debris that may have gotten underneath them.

09-13-2017, 10:31 AM
I'd recommend to get all 4 more discus at once. It will save u a double quarantine period if u quarantine all 4 at once. Having 4 in QT will make them feel more secure. Every time u add new discus to an established group u can have fighting during the hierarchy shifts, better to have the fights one time and spread it out amongst 4 new discus than going thru the process 2x...

09-13-2017, 10:42 AM
84-86 F is what I keep my fry, Juveniles, and any Discus I do not want to breed. Breeding pairs or Adults I am trying to pair up ...I keep those at 82ish.


09-13-2017, 01:16 PM
So I have a total of 8 discus in my 90g tank. The 4 new ones are a little under 4 inches. My tank is at between 83.7 and 84.6 not sure why its not staying consistent! I use Prime 2 caps in my 55g day aging bin.

My tank looks so empty! Am I ok to add more discus? The move a little but seem to huddle around the corner of my tank where I have the decorations.

I do my feeding 3 time. Early morning and 3pm and 8 or 9 when I get home.
I mix up the food between frozen beef heart and a cylinder type beef heat from s &c aquatics and bloodworm.

How do you guys clean the poop up between water changes! I have been doing a one manual bucket change before work but am I obsessing?
Is there a better way?

White Worm
09-13-2017, 03:04 PM
Once all 8 discus are adults, you will be in a good place. I would leave it. You could chance 2 more additions but then you are looking at QT and possible illness issues. They will adjust and get familiar with their surroundings. Give them time and DON'T tiptoe around them. Try not to wear dark shirts when around the tanks. I find they scurry and get spooked by shadows and dark objects.

09-13-2017, 03:21 PM
I agree with Mike, stick with the 8. They will grow and fill the space. You might look into buying Seachem's Safe as a cheaper, more concentrated version of Prime for the future. If you had a pic of your tank, you might get some suggestions as to layout and ways to make your fish more comfortable. I think folks use various siphon products, like Pythons, for cleaning poop, and just replace the water that's been removed. I have a siphon hose I use for cleaning and water changes, and a submersible pump and hose to bring in the new water from my bins. Sounds pretty similar. If you can manage the regular cleaning, I don't think you're obsessing.

09-13-2017, 04:04 PM
Are heater suppose to be more consistent! Mine swings by 1 degree off and on?

09-13-2017, 04:07 PM
What kind of heater? How are you checking it. Are there temp swings in the room? I think most must work off of some kind of min-max switch. 1 degree doesn't seem like much IMO.

09-13-2017, 04:17 PM
I have a digital thermometer I use and I am getting a 1 degree swing daily! My tank is uncover at the top. Maybe possible reason. Also how do people post pictures here? Are there any good free places I can use? Thanks again

09-13-2017, 04:42 PM
So I have a total of 8 discus in my 90g tank. The 4 new ones are a little under 4 inches. My tank is at between 83.7 and 84.6 not sure why its not staying consistent! I use Prime 2 caps in my 55g day aging bin.

My tank looks so empty! Am I ok to add more discus? The move a little but seem to huddle around the corner of my tank where I have the decorations.

I do my feeding 3 time. Early morning and 3pm and 8 or 9 when I get home.
I mix up the food between frozen beef heart and a cylinder type beef heat from s &c aquatics and bloodworm.

How do you guys clean the poop up between water changes! I have been doing a one manual bucket change before work but am I obsessing?
Is there a better way?

Python water changer/siphon is so worth it keeping Discus.

09-13-2017, 05:30 PM
Thanks I have one. I do a manual water change every morning before work. And one after night feeding. Then an automated with pump after that. Every day. On my 2days off I am feeding alot more and doing more cleaning with a night.

09-13-2017, 05:40 PM
I have a digital thermometer I use and I am getting a 1 degree swing daily! My tank is uncover at the top. Maybe possible reason. Also how do people post pictures here? Are there any good free places I can use? Thanks again

My opinion is 1 degree is nothing to worry about. If your tank is uncovered, you will eventually loose a jumper, just warning. I download any phone pics to my computer. If you select the third icon from the right at the top of the new message bar, it will prompt you to select a pic to post, 2 MB max. There are various programs that with resize for you if needed, but I click on "share" when viewing the pic and use my email Outlook and pretend i'm going to send the pic in an email. I choose the medium size, and then drag the attached pic to the desktop, where I can select it later. I discard the email. Then I use SD's icon and select the pic from my desktop. If that was too confusing and you'd like help, let us know.

09-13-2017, 05:44 PM
Ok I'll get the computer out. Collecting dust.. lol I'm using my phone mostly and tabet. There is no option for this on phones.

09-13-2017, 05:53 PM

My tank

09-13-2017, 06:15 PM
There's probably a better way using your phone, but I'm not there yet!

09-13-2017, 06:40 PM
There is no way on the phone. They need an app

09-13-2017, 08:01 PM
Ok I'll get the computer out. Collecting dust.. lol I'm using my phone mostly and tabet. There is no option for this on phones.

I always use my phone for the forum. I use an app on my phone called photo resized hd. Works great to resize the photos to post