View Full Version : Handy Tool

09-08-2017, 06:35 PM
for I don't know how many years, probably a decade or two, I've looked at the Eheim Quick Vac online and wrote it off as a gimmick that wouldn't work in a Discus tank, besides, they were horribly expensive last I looked years and years ago. But for some reason I saw it online in an ad at almost half the price I remembered it being, and with my fish in transition between tanks I thought I'd pick one up and try it out.

Wish I had got one sooner!

It's completely submersible (up to 3 ft which is more than I need) and I've found it not only easily picks up the biggest Discus turds, but it also cleans small particles you don't really see at the same time. So now, with the BB tank, every time I see a turd all I need do is get my handy dandy Quick Vac and suck that turd out of the tank and wash it down the drain. It uses a very fine but strong mesh and is easily cleaned.

So no more waiting for WC time, and no need to setup the syphon and start it up.

Very handy and highly recommend :D

09-08-2017, 07:19 PM
I have one and I go back and forth on using it. Right now I am back to the traditional siphon. My main issue is that when you suck up a large amount of waste, look closely. A "cloud" of waste particles will make its way through the screen after the rotating drive chops it all up. After cleaning a large amount of waste I notice my tank water is a little cloudy. It is convenient, especially for bare bottom tanks, but I think you sacrifice a little water quality for that convenience.

09-08-2017, 08:09 PM
I owned one as well for about a month. The motor burnt out on it and made a horrible screeching noise. It was nice while it lasted.

09-09-2017, 08:34 PM
I have had mine for awhile now and I love it. I took the gravel adapter off and attached a smaller tube to the end to increase suction and make it easier to get into tight spots.

I only have trouble with the debris clouding the water if I let it sit too long on the bottom before removing it or I forget to rinse the collection piece.


09-12-2017, 02:44 PM
Haven't as of yet noticed and cloud coming through the screen. I rinse mine after every use. Of course, I've only had it a few weeks now :P Jenene I like your adaptation :)

09-12-2017, 07:29 PM
Haven't as of yet noticed and cloud coming through the screen. I rinse mine after every use. Of course, I've only had it a few weeks now :P Jenene I like your adaptation :)

Thanks Cosmo, I but the inexpensive gas siphons from Home Depot and use those to start my hose siphon when draining the tanks. I just cut a piece off the end and it fit nicely.

Keeping the screen collection container clean really helps avoid the "cloud."

09-21-2017, 09:21 PM
For me, this is the best thing you can get for regular siphoning, no bucket, no mess, do the job.
WIsh it could be a bit more powerful. Damn battery powered :(