View Full Version : wondering if my lighting is too strong?

09-14-2017, 06:53 PM
I have a 125 gallon tank and 3d background from universal rock not planning on doing any plants ive been trying to figure out why I have been getting brown algae (ive tried phosguard that really hasn't done much) a lot of people say its diatoms and will go away in time but it seems everyday after I scrub the algae off the background the next day its there again I mainly only get it on the background I bought some very good lights and I set them to the lowest setting but I have two 36 inch lights which are 60 watts each there aquatic life edge leds I only have them on for 8 hrs a day and there is a hour sunrise and hour sunset so really there only on daylight for around 6 hours do you think the lighting system I have is too strong and if so what would you recommend want good lighting to make the fish really stand out and these lights I have really make the fish look good thanks hope to get some feedback here

heres the light I use http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-supplies/aquarium-lighting/edge-led-36-inch-fixture.html

09-21-2017, 11:00 AM
I have seen your pictures and have to say I don't see the issue. You have brown algae on a earth tone background I would not worry about it, I think if you have hair algae or something worse that would constitute cleaning and removal but this isn't hurting anything but it seems to be killing you. I would do you water changes and keep the fish happy and let the tank do what it wants. I have algae on mine and some is brown and some is green, It makes the background not look so steril. I glued some anubis on it and it looks great.

White Worm
09-21-2017, 01:48 PM
Why do you have your lights on 8 hours a day with no plants? You could also add a UV. You need good water movement and less light period.

09-21-2017, 05:10 PM
I have seen your pictures and have to say I don't see the issue. You have brown algae on a earth tone background I would not worry about it, I think if you have hair algae or something worse that would constitute cleaning and removal but this isn't hurting anything but it seems to be killing you. I would do you water changes and keep the fish happy and let the tank do what it wants. I have algae on mine and some is brown and some is green, It makes the background not look so steril. I glued some anubis on it and it looks great.

ok thanks for the reply I don't know why it bothers me sometime the brown algae just looks like it gets out of control but this past week it seems like it isn't as bad but your probally right just keep the fish happy with water changes and ill stop trying to be so picky lol