View Full Version : Down Goes The Champ!!!

09-18-2017, 02:08 PM
So, we have all heard about it, some of us may have experienced it first hand or to their own tanks... The ol' crash and dash...dash and smash... whatever you may call it.

I have seen fish at the LFS flop out and land splat... I heard many stories of tank hoppers and leapers and dashers and crashers... Yet, I had been lucky not to experience it... Until today....

Thankfully it wasn't a discus, but one of my roseline sharks... I had stuck a few cubes of FDBW to the glass and headed to my office for some work, until about 5 min later, I heard a BAM!

I walked out to see because I heard one of my secretaries say she heard something in the tank. I looked of course at the discus, counted them... all seemed fine. Then I saw the roseline thrashing about and out of it, at one point was belly up on the sand... Oh no! He was the crasher... He looked as good as gone, was struggling and fighting to swim but not going far. I was going to scoop him out and toss him and chalk it up to my first ever dash and die. As usual, before I grabbed the net, the phone rang and I got pre-occupied. I headed back out to see him up and swimming but a bit off. I was surprised to say the least, but happy. I figured let me give him a chance and waited... Well, as of now, a few hrs later he seems fine and is back with the other 4 schooling...

So, again, I know all the horror stories and those that end bad.... Anyone have a happy ending such as this to share? I assume this guy was just stunned or concussed or what ever, but was able to shake it off and recover?

09-18-2017, 02:38 PM
I had a panda garra that loved to do the long jump!

It was in my open 20L. It would start on one side, get a run then launch out of the tank and out across the room!
I threw him back in with no wear and tear on a couple occasions...Then of course it had to do it when I was not home...

White Worm
09-18-2017, 03:12 PM
I've had discus jump and not find them until I got home after work.....Sucks because it is always your favorite. I had one jump from one tank and land in the tank next to it. Came in and noticed the discus in question was in the wrong tank. From that point on, I always cover/fill in ALL gaps and close all lids. I have found that Angels aren't so much the jumpers so that is good. They don't really get startled like discus.

09-18-2017, 09:42 PM
I had my red eagle discus crash into the side of the glass so loudly that it woke me up from my master bedroom on the other side of the wall. I walked out to find him laying on the bottom of the tank completely knocked out. He came to a few minutes later and acted like nothing had ever happened.

09-19-2017, 04:37 PM
I had my red eagle discus crash into the side of the glass so loudly that it woke me up from my master bedroom on the other side of the wall. I walked out to find him laying on the bottom of the tank completely knocked out. He came to a few minutes later and acted like nothing had ever happened.

Crazy kevin! Sounds very similar to my experience. I suppose like anything else, some head trauma or the brain gets rattled and they go night night... Glad in our cases they came to!

Maybe we need to start selling fishy smelling salts!!! lol

09-19-2017, 07:59 PM
Crazy kevin! Sounds very similar to my experience. I suppose like anything else, some head trauma or the brain gets rattled and they go night night... Glad in our cases they came to!

Maybe we need to start selling fishy smelling salts!!! lol

Maybe the fix was in like it was Saturday night in Vegas!!

Maybe this fish took a dive ;)

09-20-2017, 07:38 AM
I'm curious as to why y'all don't have glass tops on your tanks.

09-20-2017, 08:57 AM
I'm curious as to why y'all don't have glass tops on your tanks.

I do Paul...?

Pretty sure most of the others do as well. Pretty sure my guy hit said top or the side wall, my story wasn't about a fish jumping, it was about him slamming the glass for a KO