View Full Version : Friends for discus tank

10-16-2017, 08:32 AM
I have a 300L tank with 5 discus, is a barebottom tank and the temperature is between 28.5-29 º C.
I wish one day a pair of my discus start breeding, but for now looks like it's not going to happen, so I'm thinking to add some other fish.
I have thought on some corydoras, neon tetra or a pair of Mikrogeophagus ramirezi.
Here comes the but's:
-Corydora I think they need lower temperature and some sand to find food and have a natural behaviour.
-Neon Tetra (In Spain we called neons but I don't lnow if you called the same Paracheirodon innesi), maybe they are too little and the bigger discus may think they are live food, and I don't know if they are going down the sump...
-Ramirezi, I always like this fish, I used to have a pair of them years ago, on some threads on other spanish forum an user says that they attact the discus :( and also there is no hidding place for them, just a clean tank.

What do you think? should I keep only discus (probably is the best idea) or should I add some new fish?

Thanks in advance

10-16-2017, 03:49 PM
neons like colder temps, cardinals would work.
cory's will work but only certain ones, sterbai's are one that can tolerate the higher temps. you have to research each one not as species.
a pair of blue rams would work

myself with an 80 gl, I would add another 3 Discus from the same source as the original 5.
nothing better than a tank full of Discus

10-16-2017, 04:26 PM
My question is related. So, if I have 6 adults in my 75 gal, do I still have room for some sterbai corys and a group of dithers ( I have some chili rasbora tetras I like)?

10-16-2017, 09:47 PM
I have 6 discus with 9 sterbai corys and 3 rummynose (only 3 that survived shipping) in my 75 gallon and all are fine. I would say you would be okay.

10-16-2017, 10:48 PM
I have 8 discus a few sterbai and now a few rainbows in my 75

10-17-2017, 01:43 AM
myself with an 80 gl, I would add another 3 Discus from the same source as the original 5.
nothing better than a tank full of Discus
I bought 3 the past month, two blue snake skin and a diamond, one of them has grown quite a bit, but the other two (diamond and a blue snake skin) stop eating one day without any disease signs. I treated the whole tank twice, against the most common but nothing happens, in fact the last one just died last night...
Thats the reason I have to add another fish.
Thanks for your recomendations.

10-17-2017, 05:09 PM
Sounds like you are having qt and mixing issues. That's why you are loosing fish. Tossing more fish in will not
Solve this.

You have a lot of options. But you first need to solve your death issue

10-18-2017, 09:09 AM
what is qt? If it is quarantine the guy from the store did it for me, he keep them for 3 weeks before he sells them, and he treated the fish with two different medications.
Anyway im not planning on adding any fish right now, just know what can I do in the future, the rest of the discus are fine and no one is showing any signs of weakness.
Thanks for your answer

10-18-2017, 10:43 PM
Hey hey!

I have a 75 gallon with 5 discus (planning to buy at least 2 more in the very near future) and 6 agassizi Cory cats. They do very well together! I debated between cardinals and rummy nose tetras for a while, both do well in warm water and are common discus tank mates. Both should do well in your tank. Neons prefer cooler water temperatures so they would not fair well in warm discus water conditions.

10-24-2017, 09:49 PM
I am doing ember tetras in mine. starting with 50 in a 200G.