View Full Version : Driftwood fungus

10-27-2017, 07:47 PM
So I bought this beautiful giant piece of driftwood for my cycling 125!! Finally built the stand, plumbed the thing and got the sand and a few plants.... baby steps. I have what I’ve have researched as fungus growing on my driftwood as a result from the stuff bleeding out of the wood, which the fungus is suppose deplete from the wood and go away. I also read that plecos will eat this nasty stuff. Is there a better pleco than others for this job?? I would assume snails would eat this too right?? I will add some pics soon of my build and thanks for any info

10-28-2017, 05:10 AM
I can't say about other plecos but my bristlenose loved that stuff.

10-28-2017, 12:02 PM
Plecos do eat it but it will go away eventually. You can remove the wood and clean periodically

10-28-2017, 11:30 PM
I haven't had any luck getting rid of this stuff! I have a 75 with 4 pieces of Manzanita in it and it grows nonstop. The tank has been running 2+ years. I take it out and scrub the stuff off weekly. I have never tried the bristlenose Pleco, but will. I also read that Amano Shrimp like it too. I also have 2 other tanks with the same issue.

I have a large center piece for my 90 not set up yet and I'm worried that will have the same problem. It's too big to constantly take out and scrub!

10-29-2017, 12:08 PM
Ive always had initial fungus on my driftwood roots (mangrove wood ) whenever I've put a new piece in my tanks .It always went away in a couple of weeks on its own though . My bristelnose plecos loved that stuff .

10-29-2017, 09:14 PM
Ive always had initial fungus on my driftwood roots (mangrove wood ) whenever I've put a new piece in my tanks .It always went away in a couple of weeks on its own though . My bristelnose plecos loved that stuff .
