View Full Version : Dither Fish Overeating?

10-27-2017, 07:57 PM
I have a healthy, established tank (55 gallons, 6 discus about 9 months old (growing, eating well), 6 cories, 5 rummynose tetras) and have had a number of my rummynose tetras die off in the last two months. I originally had 10, and am now down to 5. They have all appeared very healthy, eat well, plump, etc. Water parameters are not the issue. My suspicion is simply that they are getting too much food, as I have been feeding the discus heavily (2x/day beefheart, 1x/day Sera pellets, occasional spirulina flakes) as they grow out. Are tetras like Rummynose prone to constipation? The ones that have died have died very suddenly, and have all been fat. I don't plan to feed less, as the discus are slower eaters, eat all the food I give them, and are, of course, the priority. Just wondering if others have run into similar experiences with dither fish.

(The Sterbai Cories have grown very well, but have never appeared as overweight as the tetras.)