View Full Version : Answers on PH Please!!!!!

11-06-2017, 09:05 PM
Hi, My PH levels that are out of my tap basically run about 6.2-6.3 I have Discus... they were kept at about 7.2-7.5
Should i try to raise my PH levels or wait for them to get used to them

Please help

Larry Bugg
11-06-2017, 09:09 PM
They will be fine. Just keep it consistent. Adjusting your PH can create more problems.

11-06-2017, 09:24 PM
Yeah that's what I figured.. Thank you... Now if I could get this ammonia under control they won't die >.<
I had to medicate because the female had cloud eye and was very lethargic... so now I have killed all the healthy bacteria on my bio balls...
So as a result my male is now suffering ammonia stress.... now he's Lethargic and no appetite... I've already used a full bottle of Tetra Aquarium Safe...
It helped but ammonia is still high.... around .6 to 1.00

11-06-2017, 10:33 PM
you cannot dump your fish into that ph though, they will have to drip acclimate, slowly, once you choose to add them. going from high to low ph causes ph burn if you don't adapt your fish correctly. Now for the big question, have you checked your ph after aging the water with an air stone for 24 hours? because your lower reading could be false based on co2 in the water.

11-07-2017, 12:27 AM
You need to check your ph on your tap water after it aerates for a day. If it still is at 6.2 ish, you will be fine. Discus love low ph, that is what they live in the wild. Mine is at 5.2. Ammonia stays as ammonium at a ph of around 6.2-6.3. So you're right on the line. Ammonium is about as harmful as nitrate is. But to give yourself some insurance, I would get a large bottle of Prime and follow the instructions on it to ensure any free ammonia stays ammonium. That will give you tank a chance to cycle.

11-07-2017, 12:47 AM
^ agree, mine comes out of the tap high (7.5 or so) but only goes up from there once aged.

Also, I did a TON of reading on PH before I got my Discus and just to add one more opinion on it - you can drop your guys from lower to higher PH, but going higher to lower, you should slowly/drip acclimate.