View Full Version : New member from Southern Oregon

11-13-2017, 06:36 PM
Hi! My name is Amy and I live in beautiful southern Oregon. I have a 75 gallon planted tank with Rasboras, Cory's, Rams, and 3 large Discus. I have had this tank up and running for about 2 years now. My plan all along was to eventually get Discus. While looking through Craigslist a few months ago I saw someone getting rid of 3 Discus and kind of jumped into this whole thing head first! :bomb:
I really should have done more research before adding these beautiful fish to my tank but all in all it has been a good experience so far.
2 of the Discus are a pair and have been steadily laying eggs since about a month after I got them. They are gorgeous! I believe that the largest is a blue cobalt and most likely the male. And the female is blue with red striping. Not exactly sure what she is called.
The 3rd one is what I believe after reading on this forum, stunted. He is smaller with large eyes and was really dark when I first got him (I don't know if he's a boy). He has lightened up quite a bit and is now very boldly black striped with blue red and a bit of yellow in his body. He had a very razor thin profile when I got him but is bulking up and loves to eat!
Most likely the stupidest thing that I have done was purchased 4 juvenile Discus 2 weeks ago thinking that they needed a larger school to be happy...
I have since moved the 4 juvies to their own bare bottom 30 gallon tank after reading more:blushing:. I will try to figure out how to post pictures, wish me luck!!

11-13-2017, 07:52 PM
Obviously I need to take some better pics. And some of the juveniles. I promise I will soon.

11-14-2017, 12:29 AM
Hi Amy and welcome to SD! Nice to have another discus fan in the neighborhood. Glad to hear your experience is going well. Maybe we'll cross paths sometime.

11-14-2017, 02:19 PM
Thanks for the welcome Roguediscus. My pair finally got eggs to hatch this morning!! So happy and sad at the same time, poor little guys. They have been laying eggs like clockwork every week on the heater! I finally got a protective cover for the heater last week and this week they laid them on the filter intake tube and they didn't get cooked. I took more pics last night and the female would not come out from behind the large Hygrophila plant because she was guarding her eggs. the male comes out and looks all flashy trying to intimidate me! He's so cute! Well, I took a ton of pics so here goes!!
113223113224113225113226This is the one that I believe to be the male.
113227113228This is the best I could get of the female, and one with both of them.
113229113230Here is the smaller little outcast. He has colored up quite a bit and put on some weight since I've had them.
And my 4 juveniles, 2 yellow pigeon blood and 2 red turquoise. They are so stinkin' cute!!


11-14-2017, 03:35 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I tried to post a bunch more pics but it said a moderator had to approve it... Maybe they will show up here eventually.

11-18-2017, 01:36 PM
Hi Again,
If you haven't already, I encourage you to watch the video I've linked, put together by Al, the forum owner. Good info.
