View Full Version : Switching foods

11-17-2017, 12:17 PM
Hey everyone,

Im new to this forum and to keeping discus but have been keeping/breeding freshwater, African cichlids for many years i decided to try something different and so far im totally obess. Anyway i recently purchased 5 discus from a local store they are around 4-4.5" Im going to buy 1 more but waiting for something to catch my eye. Any they will eat blood worms and beefheart but spit out my calbolt hans flake and northfin pellets. I recently purchased Discus Chow it said to keep feeding this to the fish until they get used to the food. My question is how long do i keep trying this food if they arent eating it? should i feed in the am the chow and then something i know they like in the pm? i dont want them to get weak and then get sick. all the help would be appreciated

11-17-2017, 12:19 PM
Hey everyone,

Im new to this forum and to keeping discus but have been keeping/breeding freshwater, African cichlids for many years i decided to try something different and so far im totally obess. Anyway i recently purchased 5 discus from a local store they are around 4-4.5" Im going to buy 1 more but waiting for something to catch my eye. Any they will eat blood worms and beefheart but spit out my calbolt hans flake and northfin pellets. I recently purchased Discus Chow it said to keep feeding this to the fish until they get used to the food. My question is how long do i keep trying this food if they arent eating it? should i feed in the am the chow and then something i know they like in the pm? i dont want them to get weak and then get sick. all the help would be appreciated

Patience and persistence is key with l new foods. You are correct feed in the am when they are hungriest and feed small amounts

11-17-2017, 12:30 PM
Chris welcome! Before I even go into the food, do not add one more random fish. You could really do damage to your tank...

Discus can be tricky eaters. Ive had and seen some who will eat the skin from your fingers and others want shrimp cocktail and dipping sauce...

The best way is to only feed the new food. I was once told healthy fish will always eat and even if they fight it at first they will eat. If you mix the food they will know the better food to them comes second so ignore round 1 because you will give in. If you really want to switch foods you need to stick to one and be dilligent... You should try freeze dried black worms. Also w/ your fish size you should keep on the beef heart if they gobble it, they will get big fast that way...

Care to tell us more about your tank and regiment etc? pics?

11-17-2017, 12:56 PM
Tank is a 75gal i set it up on sunday 12th it was an established african mbuna tank but got bored and wanted to start/try something new, currently has driftwood and be adding some plants. Once it's all setup i will post pictures. The tank has 5 discus, 10 cardinals(going to add a few more to the group), 6 cory julii. I do have freezed dried blackworms coming also. Should i just beef heart and blood worms on all the feedings? Also beefheart cubes should i put 2 cubes in the tank they all gobble it up? ive been feeding 1 cube.