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View Full Version : One of my discuss getting bullied & taking stress. Need some suggestion.

11-21-2017, 02:19 PM
I have total 6 discus in my tank of various sizes from 2.5 to 4 inches. One of my red eagle discus (4 inches) is constantly bullying another albino discus (2.5 inches). The albino is always staying at top corner and eating nothing. It tries to come out during the feeding times but red eagle throws it back to the corner. I can see it has the hunger but not daring to come out of the corner because its scared of red eagle. The albino is already shrink-ed because its getting no or little food.

I'm planning to separate one of these discus to my QT/hospital tank (10G) for a week or two.

Do i have to move the albino(getting bullied & stressed) or red eagle to my QT tank? Is it a good idea ?
Can i have only one discus separately in my QT tank or do i have to add another discuss to my QT tank to not leave the other one alone & take stress?

Please add any suggestions, appreciate your quick help on this.

White Worm
11-21-2017, 03:08 PM
This is why you never buy just 2 discus. You will have to separate them for good or until you get a group.

11-21-2017, 03:15 PM
sorry, if I didn't provide enough information. i have a total of 6 discus in my tank. But I have mentioned just two discus which are getting bullied and all others doing well.

White Worm
11-21-2017, 06:15 PM
Ok, that clears it up a bit. You can try to remove the bully for a while and see what happens. That may change the pecking order and slow the bullying once it is re-introduced to the tank. You could also remove the one being bullied to recover. 1 discus in a QT will be fine.

11-21-2017, 07:47 PM
sorry, if I didn't provide enough information. i have a total of 6 discus in my tank. But I have mentioned just two discus which are getting bullied and all others doing well.

Were they all added at the same time or are the smaller fish new additions?

11-21-2017, 07:54 PM
smaller fish were added first & then i have added the red eagle. Its been 3 months for smaller fish & 1.5 month for red eagle.

11-21-2017, 08:07 PM
smaller fish were added first & then i have added the red eagle. Its been 3 months for smaller fish & 1.5 month for red eagle.

So the bully is the new addition? Was going to suggest maybe they are reastablishing the pecking order but I would think they would have worked that out after 1.5 months