View Full Version : Do you do as Pat says...? Canary Discus...

11-22-2017, 07:23 PM
Pat has the best quote ever, your discus are talking to you... are you listening.

Like the weirdo I am I actually repeat that to myself a few times a week it seems.

I have one discus that seems to "talk" louder than the others. And when something is wrong or off she tells me.

Do you guys feel you have one like this is the group. Maybe they are more sensitive or prone to issue.

This babygirl is like my canary in the coal mine. The other fish will seem fine but she will be a tad off signaling a water test or change or something.

Just wanted to see who else has a whistle blower in their group !!?!?

11-22-2017, 07:31 PM
Interesting question babygirl

I think the more important part of Pats quote is the area you listening part. I think often a canary may be singing but are we in tune enough to pick up on these subtle cues.

11-22-2017, 07:42 PM
I love that quote S well. Once you know what “normal” is, you can much more easily as when things are off. I think of that quote often.

Second Hand Pat
11-22-2017, 10:24 PM
Pat has the best quote ever, your discus are talking to you... are you listening.

Like the weirdo I am I actually repeat that to myself a few times a week it seems.

I have one discus that seems to "talk" louder than the others. And when something is wrong or off she tells me.

Do you guys feel you have one like this is the group. Maybe they are more sensitive or prone to issue.

This babygirl is like my canary in the coal mine. The other fish will seem fine but she will be a tad off signaling a water test or change or something.

Just wanted to see who else has a whistle blower in their group !!?!?

Aw thanks Phil. Glad to hear it is serving a purpose :D

12-01-2017, 12:37 PM
:huh::huh: I feel ya Phil, Pat's subtle message is to pay attention to the little things that the fish are showing you before they become big things but the 'canary' in the coal mine was more of a guinea pig no?? I mean the miners new to get the hell out once the canary dropped dead!! Hopefully by 'listening' to sensitive babygirl we can avoid the fate of the canary. lol lol "T" :idea:

12-01-2017, 11:33 PM
Babygirl, ha. Gotta love that nickname...

12-02-2017, 01:33 AM
I have a canary discus. It was sold as a wild cross of some type, can't remember the names tho. If I'm slacking, it'll be the very first to let me know. I've got a good routine down so it's been smooth sailing lately :)

Keith Perkins
12-02-2017, 10:32 AM
Where the heck did babygirl come from? I must have missed something.

I use to have a discus that would develop the classic white bacterial pore spots as soon as I slacked off on my WCs. It was a wonderful canary.