View Full Version : food acclimation

11-29-2017, 03:17 PM
I just got my fish to eat discus chow and now after 3 days they kill it.I have had the dc in a plastic container, in the freezer
since last March. Gave up trying to feed it to 2" fry. Now they are 5"-6" and I gave it a try 3 days ago and I finally

My question is how long should I keep them solely on dc before going back to fdbw, my chicken/seafood mix and dc
so they don't get "spoiled" and disregard the dc?

11-29-2017, 04:37 PM
I don't think any fish will have any problems in transitioning to FDBW :)

I feed my fish flakes/tetra bits as well as FDBW, don't have any problems feeding both same day. BTW I feed my 1" fry with FDBW as well, they love it.

11-29-2017, 10:36 PM
Sanjay,I probably wasn't clear in my question. My fish have been eating fdbw and my mix for almost 8 months.
I stopped feeding them that diet to try and to get them to also eat dc. I stopped feeding them their regular
food for 3 days I have been feeding them dc which they finally now love.
My question was and is, can I go back to feeding fdbw and my mix with the dc or should I wait a little
while longer to really get them hooked on it so that they don't ignore it in favor of there previous

11-30-2017, 12:04 AM
Sanjay,I probably wasn't clear in my question. My fish have been eating fdbw and my mix for almost 8 months.
I stopped feeding them that diet to try and to get them to also eat dc. I stopped feeding them their regular
food for 3 days I have been feeding them dc which they finally now love.
My question was and is, can I go back to feeding fdbw and my mix with the dc or should I wait a little
while longer to really get them hooked on it so that they don't ignore it in favor of there previous

Oops my bad! Yes, you should be able to start feeding both. I will suggest to add the dc first (like 5pm) and at 9pm add FDBW. That's my schedule or feed dc in the afternoon times.

11-30-2017, 12:30 AM
I've been feeding my chow with autofeeder during the day and is working out great

12-01-2017, 12:21 AM
What I do is to give my fish the first meal of the days to be pellets, or flake , them later on the day I give them my seafood mix and FDBW, and finally after WC live brine shrimps or frozen blood worms. what I saying I would give them the DC in the morning when they are more hungry, I understand many people will be at work early, so an auto-feeder is a good idea.

12-03-2017, 04:07 PM
How's the "cleanliness" or break up factor of the chow? My guys get FDBW w spinach and frozen blood worms as a treat usually each afternoon cause they just go nuts for it and it's quite a show.

I get nervous about new foods and what it will do to the water. My tank is front and center in my office. I can't exactly feed and be like hey guys I'm gonna break out my noisy pony pump. Lol

12-03-2017, 04:57 PM
How's the "cleanliness" or break up factor of the chow? My guys get FDBW w spinach and frozen blood worms as a treat usually each afternoon cause they just go nuts for it and it's quite a show.

I get nervous about new foods and what it will do to the water. My tank is front and center in my office. I can't exactly feed and be like hey guys I'm gonna break out my noisy pony pump. Lol

I have not seen any mess from chow babygirl.

It's tough to see it because it's so small but I know my sand is filled with divets everywhere the fish are searching for it

01-16-2018, 11:07 AM
I have not seen any mess from chow babygirl.

It's tough to see it because it's so small but I know my sand is filled with divets everywhere the fish are searching for it

There’s that Babygirl reference again....Bahahahaha!