View Full Version : Looking for De-worming help

12-05-2017, 08:05 PM
Hello all.
I recently suspected potential tape worm infections in my main 125g tank which contains 4 4.5 inch discus of varying colors and 1 discus that is a bit smaller, along with several loaches, tetras, loaches and some inverts.
Because of this, I did a treatment of PraziPro and saw two of the 5 pass tape worms. I did the PraziPro treatment for 7 days.
The one discus that is a bit smaller was my biggest concern, the reason being is that he is constantly eating and always the most excited to see me, however he is impossibly skinny. All skin and bones, and has also suffered from a serious case of fin rot - its hard to believe he is still alive. I was thinking that it was maybe a tapeworm but I did not see him pass one, granted I was not able to monitor the tank 24/7. But that was 2 weeks ago and he has not shown any sort of improvement whatsoever.
The remaining Discus are beautiful and healthy - even had a pair lay eggs the day before yesterday.
Knowing that Praziquantel does not treat specific types of worms I am wanting to treat with Levamisole to hopefully treat any other worms that may be in there. Would this be a recommended treatment and safe for the entire main tank?
I will be ordering more discus withing a few weeks and after their 6 week quarantine I want to have them going into the best conditions possible, therefore I would like to treat my main tank now so it is off to a fresh start.
I am relatively new to keeping Discus and I have since learned that where I had purchased them from was not nearly as reputable as what they had lead on to be. So moving forward trying to correct mistakes made, would anybody be willing to assist?

Some information on my tank:
125 gallon with some plants though minimal. It is filtered by Fluval FX4. I run it at around 83.5 degrees and my pH is stable around 7.1 and has been that way for about 6 weeks (I had been altering with chemicals it to make it lower previous to that). Substrate is about half-3/4 inch of white PFS and there are some pieces of driftwood throughout. Along with the Discus are some Corys, loaches, Cardinal and Rummynose Tetras and 5 Singapore Flower Shrimp.
I do at least 60% water change every other day. Once, sometimes twice a week I will do 80+%. Each time I do I thoroughly siphon 100% of the substrate.

12-05-2017, 11:23 PM
If it wasn't worms I'd say pull the little discus to a hospital tank and treat him there, but if you never dewormed the group you might as well treat the whole tank with levamisole. Its a 24 hour bath at 2-4 ppm followed by a big water change. Then do it again in about 14 days. With a heavy infestation I will do a third treatment after another 14 days.

Keep the bottom of the tank extra clean to minimize the worm eggs and larvae between treatments. It is less effective with substrate, so extra vacuuming helps.

They say its safe for invertebrates, just be careful with the dosage.

12-05-2017, 11:37 PM
That is exactly what I was hoping I would hear. Thank you for your input.