View Full Version : Gill flukes? (with picture)

12-09-2017, 11:12 AM

I suspect gill flukes. I think there is no hurry with it regarding the fish dying, but I am afraid that it might infect others and I don't have an extra hospital tank set.


1. Please explain the problems with your fish. When did you notice the problems and did anything unusual happen that you think started them?

Inserted unquarantined discus in the tank on 29th november. The discus are all sick with Hex and one may have gill flukes.
There was also a massive die-off 4 days later (4 congo tetras (2 male and 2 female) (7 female survived), 3 SAEs and 1 discus)

2. Symptoms (i.e. turning dark, excess slime, not eating, clamped fins, flashing, darting, clamped gills, white/yellow/green poop, hiding, headstanding or tailstanding, white on tips of fins, rotting or fungus, blisters/white zits on fish, bloated, cloudy eyes, wounds).

Discus has a flamed right gill, the middle opening of the gill is protruding. Discus is darker than others, sometimes tailstands for 5 seconds, but then corrects himself.
Also has a hole in the head symptoms on his upper eyes and 2 little spots on lateral line.

Other fish that came also had white excrement and were not eating so I am treating against Hex and they are improving

3. What medications/ treatments have you already tried and what were the results. Include dosage and duration of treatment.

Sera Med professional Flagellol against flagellateas, "Hex". I think it is helping.


4. Tank size and ages, numbers and sizes of fish.

60 gallon mildly/moderately planted

5. Water change regime (What percentage and how often).

2x times a week 25%

6. How long has tank been running? Is it bare bottom? If you have substrate, what type and how deep is it?

Tank has been running over a year.

7. Do you age your water? If you do for how long and what is the ph swing.

Age for approx 3 days

8. Parameters and water source;
Note: Water Parameters are important in diagnosing problems within a tank. If you don't own test kits for the following information, you can purchase them, test your parameters and post this info as soon as possible.

- temp 31 Celsius

- ph 7.6

- ammonia reading 0

- nitrite reading 0

- nitrate reading 5

What type of water or combinations of water sources do you use? If it is an RO/tap/well water mix, please list percentages in the mix.

- municipal water 100%

9. Any new fish, plants or inverts added recently.
Yes, see above.

10. Please tell us what you feed your fish and how often. This can be critical information for solving the problem so be as specific as you can.
flakes and frozen food.

11. Include any pictures or videos you have which shows the symptoms. If you can't add them to this post, please provide a link to them.

12-09-2017, 11:53 AM
I got a better photo: http://imageshack.com/a/img923/6684/komrpz.jpg

Forgot to add that the discus is eating a little bit more than before, but I think it is connected to the hex treatment.

Regarding the massive die-off I had on the 4th of introducing new fish - is it possible that the fish died because of overeating or bad food?
All the fish that died were the ones who liked to eat the most.
3 hours before dying they were all normal and eating. Unfortunately I left my home for these 3 hours and they were dead.
It seems weird that there was a loss in all the species at the same time (1 discus, 4 congo tetras and 3 SAEs). SAE's should be more hardy.

Temp was 28 C then and parameters normal.
Even if there was ammonia spike, wouldn't it have killed all fish or only discus (most sensitive)?

Thank You

12-09-2017, 11:57 AM
I got a better photo: http://imageshack.com/a/img923/6684/komrpz.jpg

Forgot to add that the discus is eating a little bit more than before, but I think it is connected to the hex treatment.

Regarding the massive die-off I had on the 4th of introducing new fish - is it possible that the fish died because of overeating or bad food?
All the fish that died were the ones who liked to eat the most.
3 hours before dying they were all normal and eating. Unfortunately I left my home for these 3 hours and they were dead.
It seems weird that there was a loss in all the species at the same time (1 discus, 4 congo tetras and 3 SAEs). SAE's should be more hardy.

Temp was 28 C then and parameters normal.
Even if there was ammonia spike, wouldn't it have killed all fish or only discus (most sensitive)?

Thank You

12-09-2017, 01:36 PM
Managed to sneak closer for pictures:
