View Full Version : Feeding while watching eggs?

01-19-2018, 04:15 AM
Hi everyone.
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here or raising discus as that goes.

Right now I have three beautiful young pairs of discus. Two of the pairs have eaten 8 or so batches of eggs and still haven’t figured it out. I really am a patient person and want them to learn to raise their fry the right way, so I’m letting them try more.
Right now one of the two pairs has a huge spawn of 300+ eggs, they are very closely guarding (24 hours).
My question is, should I continue to change their water and feed them as usual while they are watching their eggs or will this just put them in to feeding mode and eat their eggs?

01-19-2018, 07:01 AM
If they keep eating the eggs I'd cover them with mesh so some of them make it to wriggler stage. That's what helped my fish figure out what to do and they never ate their eggs again.

01-19-2018, 01:48 PM
Hi everyone.
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here or raising discus as that goes.

Right now I have three beautiful young pairs of discus. Two of the pairs have eaten 8 or so batches of eggs and still haven’t figured it out. I really am a patient person and want them to learn to raise their fry the right way, so I’m letting them try more.
Right now one of the two pairs has a huge spawn of 300+ eggs, they are very closely guarding (24 hours).
My question is, should I continue to change their water and feed them as usual while they are watching their eggs or will this just put them in to feeding mode and eat their eggs?

I agree with Kyla on screening the Eggs Pete.. sometimes it just gives them a chance to bond with the eggs until they hatch and turn to wigglers....

Different people will tell different things on the feeding while on eggs... I don't feed them usually because its just easier than adding waste to the tank which I then need to clean and possibly spook the parents into egg eating..I Just don't like to mess with the parents until after they have wigglers...even then I feed sparingly and just do water changes. A few days without food will not harm the parents.

hth, and welcome back.


01-19-2018, 04:18 PM
Thanks Al and Kyla.
Al~ Glad to be back again.
Well I’m letting them try this last time and then I’ll cage the eggs the next time.
I won’t feed them until/if there are wigglers.