View Full Version : Handling Discus

01-23-2018, 01:18 AM
Hello everyone!
I see a lot of pictures of peoples discus out of the tank, being measured, treated, or in the case of Kenny/Forrest just showing off their stock.

My question is HOW

Do you all have some magic touch that I do not possess? I can handle my discus under the water just fine, touch them, pick them up, move them out of the way, etc, but as soon as they break the water surface all hell breaks loose! I recently removed them for a 100% WC and scrub down of the tank with a razor blade and I ended up using a pitcher to scoop them up and transfer them because they would just flail and stab me with their spines lol. I tried a few techniques but perhaps I am being to gentle trying not to hurt them and they get spooked...

While this is a half joke question, I am genuinely curious of your handling techniques :)


01-23-2018, 02:06 AM
Easiest way I found was out of water ok to a towel and they won't move. I know others that pick them up with their head/eyes toward the inner palm which allows you to cover their eyes partially. Your discus can't be skittish to start lol.

01-23-2018, 09:09 AM
The biggest strugle and splashing happens as soon as they break the surface and only a few seconds more .After that they ussually lay pretty still once they are put on a flat surface .
Holding them still in one hand using just two fingers as seen on many discus photos is something I still can't sucseffuly accomplish though .They often tend to jump away from my hand .

01-23-2018, 12:08 PM
Glad to know I am not the only one that has this experience. Seeing especially Forrest's pics made me wonder if I was doing something grossly wrong as I cant imagine laying one in my hand and not holding on without it freaking out and falling.

Adam S
01-23-2018, 07:08 PM
Freshly shipped fish are usually a bit more tame. I grab most fish from the bags with my hands instead of a net, but I wouldn't dream of trying to catch them without a net after they are acclimated.

01-23-2018, 08:22 PM
I use a plastic colander (like a salad sieve) to catch discus when I'm taking them to a show. It avoids any scratches or fin tears. The rest of the time, I just use a plain old net.
