View Full Version : Little Guy and update

01-28-2018, 12:32 PM
The issue I had a couple months ago regarding fish not eating and hiding in the back with white poo was fixed with Metro/Focus. I applied it to the entire tank and it worked thank you all for the advice. They are all doing well at this point and one of the sick ones has grown and paired up with a male and are dominating the tank. Which lead me to the next issue. I removed all plants and driftwood for easier clean up while I got a feel for the feeding amount/schedule. The Pair were holding the rest hostage in the far end of the tank. I got a suggestion from a facebook group that I should overstock a little more she suggested 4 more. Upon arrival I removed the dominate pair placing them in a bucket while I acclimated and added the 4 new fish. After this I added back in the plants and driftwood. I let them get to know each other for about an hour and added the pair back in. Tank aggression in minimal so far. I have a 75 gallon with 12 discus in it now ranging from what looks like 3-31/2 inches up to almost 6. My question now is one that was sent is very small compared to the rest a Red Cover who is absolutely awesome looking and want him so bad to grow and thrive. As of now he is a speed demon eating machine and so small most of the others ignore him. What can I do to increase his chances of thriving. I have decided to start using aged water in buckets for water changes to try to help. I feed 2 times a day on work days do to long nights and 3 times on non work days. Oceanic Flakes in the morning. A mix of Hikari frozen bloodworms, Hikari frozen Brine shrimp and Freeze dried California Blackworms with beefheart mix in the evening. On the third feeding days it is strickty freeze dried beefheart cubes. Hope I provided enough information for feedback. Thanks in advance. Tried to upload video but cant seem to get if to format correctly.

01-28-2018, 02:08 PM
12 in a 75 is going to get very full very fast. I had 8 in my 75 and as they grew to 6"-7" the tank looked way to crammed.