View Full Version : Let's see those sumps

02-03-2018, 10:20 PM
Was originally going to purchase a eshopps sump at 400 bucks.

While at Petco they had the 50 percent off sale so I grabbed the 40 breeder for 50 dollars.

I have ideas how I will set it up,but want to see other setups.

Let's see them along with what you are running in them.

02-04-2018, 10:48 AM
I have an Eshopps was never happy with it. I really think it's best suited for a marine tank. I have reconfigured the media so many times trying to get it as efficient as possible. One of the shop guys that was fixing a loose bulkhead suggested and air stone under my media to help with oxygen flow. I would rather have my media stack vertically. It's a pain to just change one part of the media without dragging all the media out. The refugium will house an anoxic filter basket hopefully by this evening. BTW the water is not as warm as the heater says. I have an Inkbird controlling them.

I've got a filter sock, Seachem Matrix, Swiss Tropical foam, 2 sizes I can't remember which ones..., a bag of Purigen that is due for a recharge and some polyfill for a polish. I keep two heaters so I have a back up and a sponge filter always cycled for a QT tank if needed. The sponge filter may get pushed out by the anoxic filter unless I can squeeze it in somewhere else.

02-04-2018, 01:19 PM
Was originally going to purchase a eshopps sump at 400 bucks.

While at Petco they had the 50 percent off sale so I grabbed the 40 breeder for 50 dollars.

I have ideas how I will set it up,but want to see other setups.

Let's see them along with what you are running in them.

Here is my 40B114160

04-26-2018, 07:24 PM
Where's the anoxic filters? ;)

11-07-2018, 10:59 AM
The way I have my sumps set up is very simple. Pump, heater, a few bags of ceramic bio media and a few appropriate sized Matten Filters from Swiss Tropical. I'm using 20 longs for my 29"s because they have the same footprint. Water goes into one end, passes through the Matten Filters, goes across bio media the heater then exits through the pump. To save money, I've been buying 3" 26X13 poret foam sheets ($42.00) and cutting them 8.5" X 12. In the tank, I use a 4"X4" poret cartridge prefilter with a 1" hole that I rinse every water change to keep the matten filters from plugging. I keep the sump around 8" full. This setup results in the water passing through a total of 9" of 20ppi foam, plus the prefilter, plus whatever the ceramic bio media does. I'm getting ready to put together another sump, I'll take pictures when I do.

11-07-2018, 04:01 PM

I'd like to see your design. I'll be using a 20L as a sump to filter 6 other 20L aquariums. I like the idea of trying to vertically orient the filter media.

(I know that 1 20L is on the small side to handle 6 20L tanks. However, the sump will not be responsible for 100% of the filtration. After the sump, half of the water volume will pass through a UV filter and CO2 reactor, and the other half will pass through 3 large planters that are a part of the hydroponics portion of the setup).

11-07-2018, 04:58 PM
I don't think that a 20L is small for 6 20 longs, all I would do is add more filter media. all you need is a few inches in the front for the water to enter and a few inches in the back for the pump and heater. Other than that you could stuff the entire rest of the tank with foam or other bio media. The only thing I would watch out for is what happens if the pump stops.... You will need enough room for whatever water will backflow into the sump. if you are able to use 24" of the tank for foam with 8" deep being in contact with the water that is like 192 cubic inches of bio media. What would a AquaClear sized for a 20 give you... maybe 16 square inches? A 4" sponge filter is about the same it would take 12 4" sponge filters to give the same media.

11-08-2018, 10:50 AM
Here is exactly how I am setting up my filters. Adam S posted this drawing on another thread. http://swisstropicals.com/Web%20pictures%20600%20dpi/Poret%20wet-sump%20filter.pdf My Idea is that I can clean the front pad, put it to the back then just keep rotating them forward. My setup is slightly diffrent than the drawing that I'm not running the pads to the top of the tank, only about 8.5" main reason I only fill the sump to 8" and I can get three baffles out of 26X13 sheet.

11-08-2018, 11:32 AM
Here is exactly how I am setting up my filters. Adam S posted this drawing on another thread. http://swisstropicals.com/Web%20pictures%20600%20dpi/Poret%20wet-sump%20filter.pdf My Idea is that I can clean the front pad, put it to the back then just keep rotating them forward. My setup is slightly diffrent than the drawing that I'm not running the pads to the top of the tank, only about 8.5" main reason I only fill the sump to 8" and I can get three baffles out of 26X13 sheet.

I literally did a similar setup to mine two weeks ago. Originally, I had cloudy water and couldn't get the crystal clear look that I wanted. My water would go into two filter socks, a planted refugium, and then a fluidized k1 media compartment, finally the return filter compartment.

I kept everything the same with the exception of the fluidized compartment. I removed the K1 media and replaced it with 5 poret 3" filters. 9"x13". I placed some of the k1 media into the return pump compartment, and added 3x 1.5" media blocks.

This gives me crystal clear water. Now I just need to figure out how to setup my powerheads to pick up the debris from the bottom of the bare bottom tank.

11-09-2018, 02:53 PM
My setup will be similar to yours, except that I will have a bulk head and therefore the pump will sit outside of the filter.

I should have about 24"X12"X8" dedicated to filtration. That will leave a 2"X12" area to direct incoming water to a horizontal stream and a 4"X12"X8" of space to accommodate heaters, probes (Temp, pH, ORP, Cond and DO), and nutrient dosing lines for the system. Because the water level will be about 8" and a good check valve after the pump will be used, the sump should have good receiving capability. With the pump shut off, that will give enough space to accumulate the water received from the 3/4" overflow pipes of the 6 aquariums and 3 planters without overflowing the sump..

Of course the sump will have an overflow at the very top to go to the drain should the check valve fail...not going to flood the floors. I don't think the volume of water from the tank return lines, UV filter, CO2 reactor, and planter return lines can be absorbed in this scenario though, hence the check valve. I could use a taller sump for additional insurance, but vertical height is already at a premium. (yeah, I'm thinking a system design drawing is due...)

Mando, I'd like to see your filter as well. Sounds very interesting.

11-09-2018, 07:37 PM
here is a sump setup from Aquarium Co-Op that kinda gave me the idea. They use Matala mats that are just plastic for bio media and sheets of floss to clear the water. looks like a good set up.


11-09-2018, 11:29 PM
Here's mine: https://youtu.be/wK_da6-1gw4

11-10-2018, 10:25 PM

Here is the sump I'm going to be using on a split 75. Simple but but they work great! Its a 20L tank with 3X 3"X12"X8.5" foam, 300W heater and 600GPH pump. Water will pass through 9 inches of 20ppi Poret foam. The sump will be between the two sumps in the rack and filter the tank in the middle. The other two sumps that are currently in the rack filter two tanks each These are apistogramma and cory tanks and a few plecos tanks