View Full Version : Update on John Snow

03-05-2018, 01:02 PM
I renewed my membership and find myself unable to update on my previous thread. My Snow White discus is hanging in there. I ordered some Kanaplex which should arrive today. He is looking better, but still stays in the back and is afraid of me since I scooped him up in the net and treated him. He hides when I watch him, but I think he is eating a little when he thinks I’m not looking and also swims around a little bit. The minute I walk up to the tank, he hides. I actually think I saw a little turd while changing the water today.
I’m following Luke’s advice and doing daily water changes and I think he might make it into the big tank with his buddies if he keeps improving. I really love this little guy and his spunk.

03-05-2018, 09:34 PM
Is he eating yet? I would hold off on meds. Sometimes they are counterproductive. What temp is your water again?

03-08-2018, 09:48 AM
Thanks for responding Lucas. I’ve seen him peck the bottom of the tank after I feed him, but if I try to get close enough to verify it he swims to the back corner. He has never been without his tank mates and he eats very little. I’ll see him swimming around in the evenings and as I’m getting ready for bed. I’ve been following your advice and just doing huge water changes. He isn’t breathing rapidly and actually seems more afraid than any thing else. I’m tempted to put him in the big tank since it’s been 3 weeks now. What do you think?
My rationale is that if he had something contagious, the other tankmates would also have signs by now as they were together until the move to the big 125 gal. That’s when I noticed his swollen belly which I treated with Epsom salts and then antibiotic. He looked cured except for the rapid breathing. That seems to have resolved with your advice to do wc. I’m going to watch him closely today and wait for your thoughts. Thanks again for your help. I find myself telling close friends a daily report on John Snow and I know they think I’m crazy, but here I know others know how we can get so attached to a fish. Could the stress of being alone be his biggest problem now? Thanks again for your time and considerations.

03-08-2018, 05:56 PM
Stress never helps, but is not as destructive as poor water quality or diet. I would consider moving the temp up to 90 degrees to encourage appetite. I wouldn’t move him until he is eating pretty well. Get him nice and strong first. Ha ING him alone makes it easier for you with water changes and observation.
If you aren’t already, keep the lights off. That helps with skittishness, etc.

03-08-2018, 07:20 PM
Hi Lucas,
My temp is 82.3. I’ll increase the temp and see if that helps. I have been keeping the light off. Again, sound advice. I guess I’m getting impatient after 3 weeks. Thanks for being the voice of reason. We’ve had these guys close to 1 1/2 years and did 90% wc daily for the first year, then every other day. We have had the occasional 3 day lapse and while we do the pre filters weekly, we have lapsed on cleaning the 2 fluvals regularly. It could be that, but I suspected he gorged himself because everybody else looked good. They get frozen brine, fdbw(with spinach), blood worms, Hans Cobalt flakes. I just added bug bites to the guys in the 125 gal, but am sticking to the tried and true for John Snow. Thanks for your help!
I know John appreciates you as much as I do!

03-08-2018, 08:01 PM
Great news! He’s eating right in front of me! I’m feeling really good. Thanks so much Lucas!

03-11-2018, 12:43 AM
Looking good John Snow114549

03-11-2018, 09:35 AM
Great to hear. Clean, warm water is often the best remedy.

03-12-2018, 09:16 PM

Everyday, better and better...

03-18-2018, 02:50 PM
John Snow is eating and swimming around. I increased the temp and his appetite is better and if there was any bacteria lurking around in him, it has not reared it’s ugly head. His biggest problem at this point is not being able to school with his tank mates. I’m thinking it’s time to put him back with his tank mates. I’ll wait as long as I can. We use quarantine for new fish, it’s been 5 weeks since he was sick and taken from his tankmates.

03-18-2018, 02:59 PM
What a cute fish Pices, sounds like his been through the ringer and back, I hope he can join his mates soon as I'm sure he would be missing them. You have done a great job fixing him, he looks good :)

03-18-2018, 11:55 PM
Sabrina, I saw your post and I I’ve lost fish too, This is actually ny first save and I owe it to this site, the great advice I received and catching it quickly. Each time I learn something important. Now you will have a hospital tank ready to set up if needed. This time I bought medicine to have ready in case someone else gets sick. I used water from his tank instead of new water so I could just pop him right in. I think the best thing I did was not treating him for 1 thing and quickly trying something else. I gave him time in between treatments and did daily wc and he improved slowly but enough that when Lucas said to hold off, I listened and he’s back to his ole self.
It seems I saw a pic of your tank and it had a pretty thick substrate. Do you think this could be the problem? Everyone here seems to go bare bottom or very thin layer of sand. Everyone is too busy looking at the fish to notice anything else. 114636

03-19-2018, 12:38 AM
Yea, I really stuffed up with my sick fish, I wont do that again in a hurry. I am also going to be better prepared next time with the hospital tank, seeded filter and meds at the ready.
Yes I think my substrate could be an issue, its 10 kilos of sand in each of my tanks, perhaps I need to syphon a small amount out each time I do a water change from now on. I think the foods are getting buried in the sand and causing toxic nitrate readings of 40ppm, even though I have 6 Cory cats in each tank I'm feeding my discus 3 times a day. Thank you for your comments
I love your tank, its so simple yet so appealing :)

03-19-2018, 09:04 AM
I find the thin layer is super easy to clean and I don’t have to worry about detritus or gases building up. I used to have gravel and plants and pimples on my fish, sick fish, etc. That’s how I found this site in fact. The sponge filter in the 125 gal was to seed my tank and I should take it out now...i have a pair that keep laying eggs on it, so I think I’ll remove it before I rejoin John Snow to cut down on aggressive behavior. John is the runt anyway...he’s small, but strong!

03-19-2018, 09:35 AM
Runt lol
I notice on the left and right of your tank you have big filters in the corners. If you remove the sponge filter will you replace it with an air stone of some type? I notice you don't have one. I have Air curtains in my tanks, they are 30cm long and provide lots of bubbles, I find them to be great and the fish love them, the only issue is trying to keep them down, I use suction cups but they tend to let go after a few weeks with slime build up.

03-19-2018, 08:53 PM
The big sponge filter was to seed my 125 gal when I put all my discus in their new tank. I just put John Snow back with his tank mates and he was so excited he pooped-a nice brown one too. This is what it looks like now. I have a small sponge filter in my sump, so I think they are getting enough air. I’ll keep a close eye on them and have plenty of bubblers if I need them.

03-19-2018, 09:12 PM
Aw John snow must of been so excited he almost popped lol Glad his back with the crew!
I guess if you notice the fish up near the surface a lot you will know they need more air in the water, good luck with everything! And thanks again for the help :D

03-20-2018, 02:37 PM
He’s happy to be schooling with his buddies again. I swear he went up to each one. Thanks for the tip. I’ll watch to make sure they aren’t hanging out on the top!

03-20-2018, 02:40 PM
Haha it was a school reunion! :D

03-23-2018, 11:31 AM
That’s funny!