View Full Version : Cause for concern?

03-13-2018, 07:16 AM
Hi guys n girls!

I have a disease question with a short story..

The disease is fish TB (tuberculosis) and I just read on a fish keeping page that Guppies with bent spines could have TB. So I am now panicking, reason being, I brought 5 new adult discus home 1 week ago tomorrow. The 6 foot tank the ex owner had them in had 30 odd Guppies which ALL had bent spines! She said the discus had been eating the Guppies and their fry! It just occurred to me when I read the post about TB just now. Even worse , last night I stole a seeded filter from my display tank (which houses the new discus) and put it in my grow out tank with my new baby discus!! Am I over reacting? I feel like I could cry. Just before I brought those 5 new discus, a blue diamond in her tank died, I was meant to get him too, the last I saw him I took photos, he had white fluff bits on his head and sat in the corner head down, he was the largest discus in her tank, at least 7 inches. Should I be prepared to loose ALL my discus, is there any signs I can look for immediately? They all look healthy to me!! What have I done :(

Second Hand Pat
03-13-2018, 07:49 AM
The first thing I think of with bent spines of farm raised fish is them being inbred. Were those fish farm raised? As for the blue diamond the best you can do now is keep an eye on things. With your new baby discus do lots of water changes. With all your fish clean water is the best prevention.

03-13-2018, 09:33 AM
Hope you didn't cross contaminate.The reason for QT is to keep equipment,water and other fish with no contact from tank to tank.Even the buckets that you use to empty your tank and fill back up with fresh water that I've seen in another post.The chance on having TB is very remote.

03-13-2018, 10:00 AM
Hi Pat and Blue,

Pat I don't know about being farm raised for the Guppies, I have no idea where the woman got them from, if they were like that or if it happened in her tank. Because the woman is unwell with a serious illness I didn't have the heart to ask her about a few things.
The Blue diamond died a week before I brought the fish home. I will/am keeping all of their water as clean as possible. Thank you

Blue, you are SO right! I can see cracks in my discus keeping already, I thought I was doing a good job starting over keeping them again BUT maybe I havnt learned enough yet! I should have know about the QT and cross contamination, I didn't think about the buckets I use either. I will be more careful going forward from today, I will replace my equipment ASAP and make it for each tank only. Thank you :(