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View Full Version : Too many discus

03-26-2018, 04:34 PM
Hello i currently have 11 discus in my 55 gallon and i know it is too many discus in one tank but its just a grow out tank they are not even close to full size, could this be the reason my water is green and can a fluval 406 canster filter solve this issue

03-26-2018, 04:40 PM
Hello i currently have 11 discus in my 55 gallon and i know it is too many discus in one tank but its just a grow out tank they are not even close to full size, could this be the reason my water is green and can a fluval 406 canster filter solve this issue
Hey Christian, I have few questions for you -
What size are the discus ?
How many times do you feed them and what ?
What is the water change frequency ?
How long do you run the lights ?
Is it bare bottom tank ? if not please provide more details there ..(A picture would help too)

03-26-2018, 04:49 PM
The tank is barebottom and I used to leave the light on all day but now about 7 hrs a day I do upd my water change to 50% and it cleared up for a little and the next morning it was green again

03-26-2018, 04:50 PM
The discus r about 3-4 in and one is about 1 1/2 inches

03-26-2018, 04:53 PM
I recommend you black out the tank for a week and see if there is any improvement, also up the water changes to 75% or more daily for a week. Check to see if any difference you can leave the room lights on when the tank is blacked out. Too much sun light can also be the leading factor for green algae. Floating plants also help absorb any excess nutrients from the tank. Hope its helpful.

03-26-2018, 06:27 PM
11 discus that size are a lot for a 55 gallon tank. You need to be doing 75-90% water changes daily. Not for just a week, but until they are are adults. You still probably need to get a larger tank or move some of those fish out of your 55 gallon tank in the not too distant future.
Reducing the light to 7 hrs. a day will help quite a bit.
It doesn't matter what kind of filter you have as long as it is fully cycled. But to answer your question, yes a Fluval 406 canister filter will help.
However, if you will do large daily water changes, the green water will eventually clear up.

03-27-2018, 03:40 AM
Your discus health is more of a concern than your green water here , Chris .
When you are x2 overstocked with young discus you either change water +50% daily or get rid of half of them if you want a bi -weekly maintenance routine . This way you can end up with having health problems with your fish due to low water quality caused by bio -overload .
And this is regalrdles of your filtration .