View Full Version : Skittish Discus after re-arranging tank

03-30-2018, 11:51 AM

I recently re-arranged my tank as my plan is to add 2 more discus to the pack.

I removed a large fake rock and moved the taller plants way back in the tank in order to create a little more room for the inhabitants.

My discus has been a little skittish after this, but I recall redading this is normal when you do larger makeovers in the tank. Is this correct?

Should I keep light as normal or dimmed/turned off?
They eat some but a lot less than before I moved things around. (Water tests show nothing thand aroynd 10 ppm nitrate and 1 ppm phosphate as always and where I want it).

It's been about 3 days since the makeover. Anyone have an idea on when they should turn back to 'normal'?

03-31-2018, 08:53 AM
What is your water change schedule? Is there substrate in your tank that was disturbed? Moving around substrate can release some nasties in the water and stress the fish out. That would be my first worry if it has gone more than just a day.

03-31-2018, 11:15 AM
Several large water changes and some salt should do it.
Whats your temp?

03-31-2018, 02:09 PM
I normalt do 40-50% WC 3 times a week.

I recently had some ammonia issues, but that is back to normal.
I have done 50% every other day, the last week just to be sure.

I do have substrate but didnt disturb it much.

Temperature is 84-86 depending on time of day.

There whereabouts less skittish today, When doing WC but not much appetite

04-01-2018, 10:44 PM
How many discus are in the tank? The ammonia issue along with rearranging the tank may have stressed them. If it was just that and the ammonia is back down to normal I would think after 4-5 days they should be acting normal. If not there may be something else going on.

04-02-2018, 02:56 PM
How many discus are in the tank? The ammonia issue along with rearranging the tank may have stressed them. If it was just that and the ammonia is back down to normal I would think after 4-5 days they should be acting normal. If not there may be something else going on.

I think I've found the issue, which hasn't been a problem before...

The room is getting a lot of sun at the moment and is quite bright. No direct light is hitting the tank itself, but I guess whenever I approach the tank all the can see is a dark silhouette.
They are much more relaxed in the evening, and I can even hand feed them as normal - they still eat a little less than usually, but I guess being a bit scared all day does something to them.

I currently have 6 discus in the tank, after selling a pair. Planning on getting 2 new ones, but waiting until I'm sure everything is as it should be in the tank.

04-04-2018, 03:30 AM
Rule out your water quallity before suspecting anything else Casper . Even the slightest Ammonia presence can be very stresfull for discus and they do act parranoid when their water is not pristine .
My room became very bright with the comming of spring too , but they never dart or get scared when I approach the tank . i guess in time they got tottaly acustomed to all the shades , vibrations and noises in the room .

04-04-2018, 01:44 PM
There should NEVER be any trace of ammonia in an established Discus tank - what are you using as a bio filter and are you keeping it clean. Not replacing bio media can result in it become clogged and ineffective so some needs to be changed out every 6 months or so. I'd check that first. Second thought, putting plants in a corner provides too good a hiding place so you might want to reposition those. Increase your water change frequency and volume if at all possible.

04-12-2018, 06:48 PM
I recently had some ammonia issues, but that is back to normal.

What is normal Casper? Even a little ammonia is bad for Discus. Your tank should never have ammonia, usually means something stopped working. Last time I had an ammonia spike my pump had stopped flowing! When things are going good I don't mess with my tank. I have a community tank and I do not breed so i never move around their scape and I never add any more fish, I'm committed to the ones I have and try to stay out of their world as much as I can. They need to feel like they run their world.