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View Full Version : Discus not forming pairs

04-01-2018, 06:09 PM
I have a 450l bare bottom tank with some driftwood and 10 adult discus.

They seem very healthy and they have never been sick or stressed in any way.

Now they are something like 21 months and there are no signs of pairs forming. No aggression, no two stick together, no cleaning surfaces or spawning... Why not?

I wonder what factors can play a role here? Is something in the setup wrong? Too many fish?

Something I can do to trigger pairing and breeding?

Filip here at the forum told me I mighy be unlucky and they could all be the same sex...! But the probability of that should be 1/1024 since they were all completely randomly picked at Stendker breeding facility!

I've grown them out myself from 4-5cm with good food. Now when they are adults I'm feeding two times per day, alternating between diy sea food mix, tetra bits and FDblackW.

I've been changing water 20% 5 days/week and 50% the other 2 days. I've tried changing with colder water without any results.

Some pictures:





04-01-2018, 07:48 PM
Honestly I know what the odds are especially since you looked them up but you may very well have all the same sex. That or you might have one or two opposite sex that just don't want to put out! Meanwhile I have you tried doing a water change with cooler water? Also for some reason if I just feed Frozen bloodworms for a few days straight then mine tend to spawn. At least I think it's the Frozen bloodworms but if somebody told me that then I would say that's dumb. Last thing I can think of is go by a proven female because you look like you have a good number of studs in there. And if they aren't studs then they are some big girls!

04-01-2018, 09:01 PM
You have calculated correctly. The odds are 0.19% they are all 1 sex. That being said 1 person in 5000 are going to get all the same sex, maybe you are that unlucky. If you raised those yourself from 4-5cm then you did a wonderful job so I wouldn't say housekeeping or water quality have anything to do with it. If you have another tank I would separate them out into groups of 5 for a week or two then put them back together and move the tank around. If you don't have an extra tank I would just move things around and try the cold water again, this time if possible mix in some R/O water. Other than that every couple of weeks move things around and hope for the best. If you have my luck then that 1 PB will be your only female and you will have a bunch of peppered babies. That's the best I can suggest maybe some of the more experienced members can weigh in.

04-02-2018, 01:40 PM
In my experience even same sex tend to exhibit spawning behavior, when the triggers are implemented, like cooler water temperature etc. (have two almost certain are males , that clean and do passes ,of course never has seen any eggs)
I will recommend safe good quality live food , like a clean cold water condition live black worms, or enhanced (spirulina, selcom etc) live adults brine shrimp.
This in conjunction with don't do WC for 3 o 4 days or even 5 days , and them do a 50% WC with cooler and softer water, to which you add just a few drops of ph down, nothing major you are no looking for target ph or anything just a few drops to make it lower than your usual water. This have work for me with stubborn pairs.
Also will you share your water parameters like GH, KH or TDS if is easier for you, may be that is the answer.

04-02-2018, 02:19 PM
If you raised those yourself from 4-5cm then you did a wonderful job so I wouldn't say housekeeping or water quality have anything to do with it.

Thank you! It means a lot to me hearing that, since I'm not experienced with discus and always a bit anxious about water and food quality.

And thanks to everyone giving me great advice.

I will definately try to move the driftwood around. There's no point in adding a breeding cone when there's driftwood right?

I've tried lowering temp at water change from 28C to 25C with no luck.

So frozen bloodworms or live blackworms might help.. but is there any risk of pathogens in these?

Separating them in two tanks sounds interesting. I have an empty Juwel Lido 120l that I can move a sponge filter to from the main tank. But how many can I put in it? Only two and hope for luck or five of them cramped in there?

So are the males usually larger? 9 of my my 10 fish have always eaten a lot, but their adult size differs a lot and also how thick they are seen from the front. One poor fish is tiny and stunted because it hurt himself as young and can't eat properly...

04-02-2018, 02:36 PM
In my experience even same sex tend to exhibit spawning behavior, when the triggers are implemented, like cooler water temperature etc. (have two almost certain are males , that clean and do passes ,of course never has seen any eggs)
I will recommend safe good quality live food , like a clean cold water condition live black worms, or enhanced (spirulina, selcom etc) live adults brine shrimp.
This in conjunction with don't do WC for 3 o 4 days or even 5 days , and them do a 50% WC with cooler and softer water, to which you add just a few drops of ph down, nothing major you are no looking for target ph or anything just a few drops to make it lower than your usual water. This have work for me with stubborn pairs.
Also will you share your water parameters like GH, KH or TDS if is easier for you, may be that is the answer.

The conductivity is 28 ms/m. Not sure what tds that translates to. KH is around 3. GH I have no idea.

What 'ph down' is best to use?

I read in some old thread on the forum that Rooibos and Lipton black tea bags can be used to trigger spawning. Is it safe and does it lower pH? How many cups of tea do I pour in the tank?

Adult brine shrimp must be safe to use if I hatch and raise them myself I guess. But it seems like a lot of work to raise them to adults...

04-02-2018, 04:41 PM
dH is 6, but I don't know the GH. Not something we measure over here...

04-02-2018, 05:02 PM
+1 on nice job raising them and nice looking tank. I'd encourage you to enter that tank shot or similar in our current photo contest.
I'll also second Julian's suggestions. For some reason, assuming the water's good already, going a few days without a change seems to get them more active (comfortable?), then the slightly cooler clean water. I haven't tried the pH lowering, but it makes sense to me. I might also suggest a breeding cone or similar "natural" surface like a rock face, possible in a corner that a pair could try to claim.
Very nice fish. Good luck.

04-03-2018, 04:13 AM
Thank you for kind words!

I'll keep up daily large water changes this week, rearrange driftwood and put a cone in a corner.

Next week I'll wait a couple of days without any water change followed by a large cooler change.

04-03-2018, 05:01 AM
I'm afraid of a pH crash if I start messing with acid and my kH is only 3. pH around 7.

What 'pH down' is recommended and how much do I use?

04-03-2018, 07:44 PM
I used Top fin ph decreased, I want to emphasize that I am not looking for any ph specific , just a 4 or 5 drops in a 55 gallon barrel of reconstitute RO water. Believe me even that low will be detected by the fish.
Any serious Discus breeder will tell you ph is secondary and do not mess with it. I am agree too, just want a little push , without affecting ph no even half a point. as you know ph is exponential
For the brine shrimp is actually a late back, serendipity method specially in summer . in a plastic tub about 36" x14" I just put about 3" high low salinity 1.018 salt water, I add the leftover of what is left when I made brine shrimp for the fry. the point is to use less and no to over crowd it. I feed spirulina powder every couple days, also brewest yeast the stuff that is use to add to salads. I shake 1/8 of tsp, or yeast with a pint of fresh water and add to the tub, summer is the best time as I can keep them out side in about 3 weeks you should have adults,(but you can start to harvest earlier week and half) and you can add new bbs , every once in a while if you harvest to often, but if you mantain low salinity the will produce live naupoullis , so if sort of self sustaining.
You can add areation but the bubbles should be large , no air stone. I do a WC once a month , follow a big harvest leaving a minimum amout of adults.
For the Rooi Bos . I use for the benefits, make the fish lively , and healthier over . of course this should help with reproduction. but I personally haven notice a difference in spawning , Other teas that is use is the one from Sea Almond Leaves, other call them Indian Almond leaves or Ketapan.
If I was you I will try to get high quality pea moss, or the mud kind turba , which is accessible in forest in Northen countries like Sweden, you probably will be able to get really good stuff.
Just a little research and you probably will be able to find it , just a suggestion.

04-03-2018, 08:27 PM
dH is 6, but I don't know the GH. Not something we measure over here...

GH, general hardness, it could be what you call dH, no sure either . your GH as the name indicated it counts everything. so besides Calcium Carbonate, that you figure it out with KH, GH is important because count the magnesium the second component that affect water hardness, some people use TDS and divide the number by 10 for a raw estimate. I like that method only for the tap water, but when it comes to RO or reconstitute water it might be misleading . I have pairs spawn in TDS of 130, and the GH is being just 3 degrees or 53.7 ppm. Yes GH is quite important, along with KH with is basically your buffering capacity.

04-04-2018, 05:06 PM
Great advice and help Pardal!

Does anyone have thoughts on how I can use my 120l tank (~30 gallon)? Can it be a good idea to try to sex a male and female and move them? It's too small for several fish I guess. Maybe I should start a "Sex my discus" thread and post some close up photos...?

two utes
04-04-2018, 05:49 PM
Great advice and help Pardal!

Does anyone have thoughts on how I can use my 120l tank (~30 gallon)? Can it be a good idea to try to sex a male and female and move them? It's too small for several fish I guess. Maybe I should start a "Sex my discus" thread and post some close up photos...?

First of all you have done a great job raising your group to this point, and can feel your frustration on them not pairing up. At this age of 21 months they should well and truly have by now. As others suggested you may have been unlucky by having all the same sex...possibly females, but who's to know. I don't think starting a thread to sex your fish is going to help you one bit. You have tried changing water temp' and parameters which can be trigger points to get them to spawn, and even if you do have females you would think that they would show some breeding behavior even without a male in the tank.

You can either enjoy the beautiful fish that you have or if you want to go down the breeding track, start with another group of juveniles or mix up some of the ones you have with new fish of the same age and size.
Seeing discus breed and raise young is a wonderful experience, which l have just started to experience myself recently.

Good luck in achieving your goals.

04-04-2018, 06:02 PM
Im not sure I would throw in the towel yet. As others have noted even if they are all one sex they should shoe breeding behavior. If all females you would constantly have eggs all over the tank. Even if all males they should do the shimmy shake and clean a spot. I would keep doing what you are doing and give them time. Move things around and play with the water very slightly, but breeding behavior will show eventually. Ive never heard of a full tank of discus not pair up and never show any signs.

04-04-2018, 06:04 PM
Okay new thought. I just found a thread started by you from 2012 where you had problems with fish pairing up. If this is something you have any problems with on many occasions and with different groups of fish im starting to think there is something in your water bothering them. I am no water expert so I wont try to offer advise, but I think you should start to consider playing with your water a bit and see if you have any luck.

04-05-2018, 02:55 AM
Okay new thought. I just found a thread started by you from 2012 where you had problems with fish pairing up. If this is something you have any problems with on many occasions and with different groups of fish im starting to think there is something in your water bothering them. I am no water expert so I wont try to offer advise, but I think you should start to consider playing with your water a bit and see if you have any luck.

Just want to point out that my first attempt with discus back then (this is my second attempt) was completely different. They were much younger and in a planted tank, and eventually did spawn a lot.

04-05-2018, 03:12 AM
I will not give up just yet. Have nothing to loose in trying out new advice.

Playing slightly with my water might be the thing. Any other advice on that? What could be bothering them? I have understood that I can try:
- pH down to lower ~0.5
- tea, black or rooibos
- peat
- purchase RO-unit to lower tds...
- cold water changes
- very frequent water changes
- no water changes for a couple of days and then a large cold one

I think that my attempts over the last days have resulted in slightly more activity and sparring. A more ecperienced discus keeper would maybe be able to interpret their behaviour better.

Some of them stop next to each other and try to look big, with fins flared out and slightly bent body towards the other fish. No cleaning activity or obvious pairing however.

Some of them have started a slow wiggle, and I don't know if it's a bad or good sign. Not shaking as in the typical spawning behaviour, but rather much larger body movements and very slow. Anyone recognize this?

04-05-2018, 03:16 AM
I have started hatching some brine shrimp eggs and will try to grow them out in a plastic container with a heater and air pump. If succesful my fish will have their first live food.

04-05-2018, 06:22 AM
Easiest way is to get a RO unit and do a 50% WC. Your ph will start to go down and the softer water should stimulate breeding behavior. Keep the temp at 29c the cold RO WC will drop it. The slow wiggle you are seeing now is probably tail slapping. They are also posturing by flaring at each other. They are trying to establish who is dominant.

04-05-2018, 08:24 AM
Easiest way is to get a RO unit and do a 50% WC. Your ph will start to go down and the softer water should stimulate breeding behavior. Keep the temp at 29c the cold RO WC will drop it. The slow wiggle you are seeing now is probably tail slapping. They are also posturing by flaring at each other. They are trying to establish who is dominant.

I was hoping not to need RO... Is it mainly for triggering them that RO is good, or is it beneficial with fry as well?

I think I know what you mean with tail slapping. But the "slow motion wiggle" is slower and not aimed at another fish. It's mainly the head swinging back and forth.

Second Hand Pat
04-05-2018, 08:33 AM
The head swing sounds like head shakes discus do as part of courtship. Can you post a video?

04-05-2018, 01:01 PM
The head swing sounds like head shakes discus do as part of courtship. Can you post a video?

I'll try, but I only see it a couple of times per night. It's not the typical fast shaking behaviour that even I would recognize as courtship.

04-05-2018, 04:05 PM
Ehat if I just pick two fish and move to a 120l, along with a sponge filter from the main tank. Is it worth a shot, and trying different partners two weeks apart? Or can it be unwise in any way?

04-05-2018, 06:10 PM
If you keep a close eye on them they should be fine. They may fight and then you can just remove them and try a new pair.

04-06-2018, 01:22 PM
If you keep a close eye on them they should be fine. They may fight and then you can just remove them and try a new pair.

Ok. Filled the 120l today and poured in some bleach, as a first step in disinfecting.

Have also put some newly hatched brine shrimp in a 20l bucket with aeration.

04-06-2018, 10:13 PM
Keep us posted, good luck!

04-08-2018, 05:46 PM
I have started hatching some brine shrimp eggs and will try to grow them out in a plastic container with a heater and air pump. If succesful my fish will have their first live food.

You want to feed bs within hours of them hatching otherwise they have absorbed there egg sac
which contains the the nutrients they need. Adult bs are somewhere around 90% water and
pretty much useless as food.

04-09-2018, 02:33 AM
You want to feed bs within hours of them hatching otherwise they have absorbed there egg sac
which contains the the nutrients they need. Adult bs are somewhere around 90% water and
pretty much useless as food.

I will only be feeding them to try to induce spawning, not for their nutritional value. Great info however.

04-09-2018, 05:04 AM
RO will trigger them as well as give a good water softness for fertilization.

04-09-2018, 06:05 PM
RO will trigger them as well as give a good water softness for fertilization.

I was hoping I don't have to go down the RO route... but maybe I have to eventually?

04-11-2018, 06:06 AM
It's a good thing to have and a must for breeding if your water is hard. You only use the RO to spawn them, the rest of the time it's tap water as usual. You just work out how much you need to wc with to get the tds at around 60-80 and you're good to go. You wait till you see them cleaning and bowing and do a wc with the RO at the % you worked out, a 50% will cut your parameters in half. With your pairing problem a RO wc at 50% might get them in the mood, also wait for a cold front to pass over if you can. In winter here I have to use 30% RO to tank volume, in summer our water is actually a bit too soft and doesn't hold ph well so I have to buffer a little.

04-11-2018, 07:23 AM
My water is pretty soft but tds is probably a bit high for breeding. It seems to be a hassle for me to even do 50% RO in my 450l tank. Hard to store that quantity of water with limited space in the house

I have an overflow to drain on my tank, so I could install RO and let the tank overflow all day until desired tds is achieved. Could that cause any problems?

04-25-2018, 07:58 AM
It won't cause problems if you keep tabs on your water parameters but the idea is to splash them cold water in one go to simulate rain. I would rather drop whatever I could make in a day at once even if its just 10%.

04-29-2018, 12:14 AM
Do WC (cooler water) before noon. At the same time, don't drive yourself nuts watching a pot of water boil. Just keep doing your routine and as long as you're discus are happy then it will happen. And from the pictures your discus like pretty darn happy.

04-30-2018, 05:09 PM
Thanks! :)

I've tried a couple of cooler changes but only later in the evening. I'll try at noon to.

06-18-2018, 06:41 AM
I've appreciated all the help I have recieved in this thread. I've done frequent 50% water changes every day and sometimes with cooler water ~25C instead of the usial tank temp of ~28C.

I've noticed more activity and one fish sometimes shakes and cleans a spot.

But now I have a problem. Two fish have turned darker and their eyes are kind of foggy. See the pictures below. One of them also had a white thing in the face today. They are still eating well. What can I do? Even larger wc? Meds in my homemade food?


06-18-2018, 02:23 PM
Treat your Discus with some Metro for
HITH, they should be fine once their eyes
brighten up.


06-18-2018, 04:13 PM
I'll look into Metro and see if it's available here. Look at this white patch on the geels... starting to panic here.


06-18-2018, 06:09 PM
Is this actually HITH?