View Full Version : Normal Behavior?

04-21-2018, 04:50 PM
Hello, Quick Question, Bought some Discuss 1 week apart. ive had them for about 2-3 weeks now...

Everything that needs to be checked water wise has been.
water changed from 50-75% every other day, the ususal...

i have 1 discuss who just kind of sit in the same spot at the top, and my other at the bottom...

are they still adjusting or could something else be causeing them to do this?
Something i should check?

http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah57/Baron751/20180421_162329_zpspwv7mdja.jpg (http://s1377.photobucket.com/user/Baron751/media/20180421_162329_zpspwv7mdja.jpg.html)

04-23-2018, 10:17 AM
Hi Baron and welcome .

-Do they came from the same vendor /source ?
Maybe they got cross contaminated .

-Did you have other fish before you got them ?

-Is your tank fully cycled ?

- Did you see them eat anything at any moment ?

-Do they have strange feces or other signs of illness?

-Are they the only 2 in the tank and do they chase and fight each other ?