View Full Version : Weird white, clear patchy algae growing in my tank and I can't stop it :/

04-28-2018, 05:15 PM
So I've dealt with algaes before but they were always always beard algea and just general brown stuff, but 4 days ago I came home from work and noticed my whole aquarium on the glass got covered in white (almost clear) patchy mold algae in less than 24 hours. When I had fed them some frozen hikari discus food on that same day I noticed there was weird cottony white things floating in it so I tossed it and this happened so I chalked it up to that. But it's been 4 days now and every morning I can see the mold already starting to form and by the end of the day it takes over the tank. And after doing some research I was wondering if it could be from the PraziPro I am using????

Since I noticed the algae I lowered the temp for 87.5 to 85F, increased the water flow to hopefully disturb the bacteria from growing as fast, and am doing 60% WC daily after scrubbing the sides of the tanks for an hour. Every day.

The only thing that has changed since this has begun was I took all the sand, substrate, and plants since o found out my discus had tapeworms and it'd be easier to clean during it all and I have been dosin with Prazi after every WC on the water I have removed.

I couldn't get any pictures tho, it just looks like I'm taking a picture of my aquarium lol

04-28-2018, 05:19 PM
Oh actually might've gotten some pic115078s. The suction cups are normally black

04-28-2018, 05:51 PM
115079 and this might help too. The best pic I could get of it on the glass itself. Those patches that are blurry is exactly what it looks like