View Full Version : Predatory or highly aggressive fish?

06-04-2018, 05:22 AM
Who here is keeping Predatory or highly aggressive fish? I mentioned I was considering a tank of natives but the alternative is something more predatory and aggressive. Who has any of these fish?Or if you don't but were to get one/ group. What would it be?

I had a tilapia butterkoferi a few years that I bought as a small guy. It grew fast into a real terror.What a personality it had. Attacked me thru the tank or would come up the glass and stare at me as if saying.."I dare you, put your finger in here! I saw a tank of these forsale the other day... Hmmm... maybe I will get some/one.


06-04-2018, 08:05 AM
Who here is keeping Predatory or highly aggressive fish? I mentioned I was considering a tank of natives but the alternative is something more predatory and aggressive. Who has any of these fish?Or if you don't but were to get one/ group. What would it be?

I had a tilapia butterkoferi a few years that I bought as a small guy. It grew fast into a real terror.What a personality it had. Attacked me thru the tank or would come up the glass and stare at me as if saying.."I dare you, put your finger in here! I saw a tank of these forsale the other day... Hmmm... maybe I will get some/one.


Al, I kept CA/SA cichlids for many years before getting into discus. If you want to house 1 big fish in a big tank...Dovii (Wolf Cichlids) have always been the king in the scene IMO.
The main thing to keep in mind with aggressive/preds is size, the biggest drawback for me keeping them was footprint...most of these angry interactive fish need space to grow to their potential and thrive.
The fish I enjoyed keeping most, would have to be Amphilophus labiatus (Red Devil). They grow to a manageable size AND FAST, I've had some that would go for my hand during water changes, and I had some that were puppy dogs, most I've had were super interactive.

TLDR - IMO you should decide on how big of a tank you would be willing to devote to them, and choose your options accordingly (If you'd like some suggestions, just let me know :D)

06-04-2018, 08:25 AM
Thanks Mike,

I did also have once a Wolf Fish (Hoplias sp). I Havent seen one of these in CT in decades, they may not even be allowed here anymore. But thats one fish I would love to have again. At the time I think it cost me $20 at 6 ".It was a very cool fish!


06-04-2018, 08:32 AM
Thanks Mike,

I did also have once a Wolf Fish (Hoplias sp). I Havent seen one of these in CT in decades, they may not even be allowed here anymore. But thats one fish I would love to have again. At the time I think it cost me $20 at 6 ".It was a very cool fish!


Check out Jeff Rapps....his site is Tangeldupincichlids if i remember right, all my dealings with him in the past were seamless, he is very well known in the hobby. He gets wild caught Dovii in pretty often as well as any other wild species you could think of.

06-04-2018, 06:13 PM
This is Blaze, my flowerhorn.

06-05-2018, 01:26 AM
Caqeutaia Umbrierus aka Umbee aka the blue meanie...grows very large, looks super cool...very cool fish!
Check out this pair...they seem unmatched size-wise but she doesn't appear to be too intimidated by the beast of a male!


06-05-2018, 07:03 AM
This is Blaze, my flowerhorn.

Stunning Fish! How big and how old is Blaze?

06-05-2018, 02:51 PM
Thank you Al. Blaze is about nine months old now. That pic was taken 2 months ago I think. Blaze has been a late bloomer. Just starting bulk up and color up. Here's a pic of when I first brought my little one home.115701

06-05-2018, 03:44 PM
I forgot to add that Blaze is 7 inches long as of today

06-05-2018, 05:18 PM
I was out at a LFS browsing while running some errands and I saw a whole tank of 2 inch Flowerhorns.Scrappy little guys. It was the first time I have ever seen then in a petshop here in CT. After your post, I was very tempted, but I know so little about whats fair price and even what the genetics are of them that I was hesitant. They wanted $29 each which by discus standards is fair but I have no clue where these came from. Its tempting.

They had a really cool looking cichlid , Pantano Cichlids, which were pretty large youngsters..maybe 7-8" Looked like maybe a male and female. Not too aggressive but calming to watch, these two had Uaru like markings., $59 each. Looking on line, Juvies go for about $10 More temptations!

I did however cave to something I had wanted awhile, Texas Cichlids. I really like their markings and behavior , I have 6 in Quarantine right now. Little fellows about 3 inches.$7 a fish , and they looked very healthy. I'd like to get a pair. :)


06-05-2018, 06:52 PM
I only gave $14 for Blaze at that size. Like discus they really respond to grooming quite well. I love Texas cichlids. I had a pair of Escondido's that we're just ridiculously pretty. Watching a pair of Texas in mating dress is awesome!

06-17-2018, 06:35 PM
Well This didnt take long. I figured I might have alittle time before I had a pair form. Nope. At 3 " & already paired and cleaning a spot. 1 pair pretty much took over 2/3 of the tank.Quite the aggressive female too.


06-17-2018, 07:23 PM
Good one Al! I love Texas cichlids. I had 4 green texas "Escondido" back in Australia. They're very nice fish and as adults look amazing! I feel a lot of the CA/SA cichlids are so underrated, prob because of how long they have been around, and people always wanting the new 'rare' things. Looking forward to seeing pics of your Texas soon mate!!

06-17-2018, 07:55 PM
Well This didnt take long. I figured I might have alittle time before I had a pair form. Nope. At 3 " & already paired and cleaning a spot. 1 pair pretty much took over 2/3 of the tank.Quite the aggressive female too.


Texas cichlids are very active breeders and usually great parents. I would say they are on par with Convicts, just a bit more angry:mad: