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View Full Version : Is hoya toxic to discus/fish?

06-05-2018, 10:45 PM
Thinking of adding some hoya alongside the pothos I've got on top of my discus tank. Anyone know if they're toxic to fish?

06-07-2018, 02:43 AM
I don't know what hoya is, so I cannot comment, sorry!

06-07-2018, 05:46 AM
Thinking of adding some hoya alongside the pothos I've got on top of my discus tank. Anyone know if they're toxic to fish?

They should not be. But they are probably not very well suited to use in Discus Tanks. These plants are pretty slow growers so they won't take up as much nitrates.They also may not like having their stems submerged and may rot. This is especially so if the ones you are thinking of have thick waxy leaves.

If you are looking for an additional plant to add, the philodendrons do well.I have used Philodendron oxycardium. Just a cautionary note that both pothos and philodendrons are not plants you want hanging around if you have dogs or cats that like to chew plants as they are toxic.

Adam S
06-07-2018, 10:44 AM
No clue on hoya. Like Al said, philodendrons are a great choice. There are some very beautiful species and cultivars out there, though I've never tried the fancier ones in an aquarium. Contrary to popular belief, they will take as much filtered sunlight as you can give them (maybe not the variegated ones, but the green ones love it).

Here's one of my favorites enjoying the morning sun. I have to rotate them to different rooms for morning and afternoon sun, as the cats like chewing on them.
https://bulk-share.slickpic.com/album/share/ZEDTETMAz,1ET,/15070008.0/700/p/iPhone_photo_SP_15070008.jpg (https://www.slickpic.com/share/ZEDTETMAz,1ET,/albums/Plants/photo?view=15070008#15070008)