View Full Version : Vietnam Discus what’s everyone’s thought

06-09-2018, 08:46 PM
Getting back into Discus heavily and thinking about getting some discus from Vietnam but heard issues with them and mixing them with other discus is this true? Also read they have a tendency to just waste away ... Want to know everyone’s experience before I pull the trigger .. thanks

06-09-2018, 10:10 PM
I don't know anything about Vietnamese discus, but even if what you've heard is partially true, or maybe true, I would stay away. I'm new on here but have kept fish for nearly 40 years. I do know you should buy from a reputable importer, IE someone that you can pretty much no for sure is legit, like our sponsors on here for instance...lots of info and testimonies, and all sorts of colors and patterns of domestic types...why look anywhere else?

06-09-2018, 10:20 PM
I wouldn't try importing them myself if that's what your thinking. Otherwise I think is't about the same as buying any Asian Discus. Find an importer with a track record of supplying high quality healthy and when you buy, QT. There were sure some excellent quality Discus from Vietnam at the last NADA.

06-09-2018, 10:58 PM
Oh no Liz no importing I just want some nice pretty discus for a 200 gallon tank I dont even want to try and breed anyone just a show tank .. I want nice round discus with very good red coloration and saw a source that meet that criteria only issue is what I’ve read about Vietnam Discus in groups about how a big of a pain they can be ...

06-09-2018, 11:26 PM
check out Kenny's latest shipment...RED!!!

06-10-2018, 02:04 AM
Waste away as in tuberculosis?
Based on my observations in my local lfs, Vietnam fishes mostly had a kok (hump) on their forehead and pointy duck mouth.
Of course it doesn't applies to all Vietnam fishes...

06-10-2018, 08:27 AM
Like I said earlier you can't judge all fish from a country by nothing but hearsay. Once I got Discus from Malaysia infected with infected with Cryptobia. Another time I got Discus from Malaysia infected with Discus Plague. Yet another time I got fish from Malaysia that were either sterile or had very low fertility. Three of them died very young with the biggest finest show fish dying first. You won't find me going around trashing all the fish from that country even though I had three heart breaking experiences. My best advice is to do your home work on the importer and his suppliers.

06-10-2018, 11:47 AM
Like I said earlier you can't judge all fish from a country by nothing but hearsay. Once I got Discus from Malaysia infected with infected with Cryptobia. Another time I got Discus from Malaysia infected with Discus Plague. Yet another time I got fish from Malaysia that were either sterile or had very low fertility. Three of them died very young with the biggest finest show fish dying first. You won't find me going around trashing all the fish from that country even though I had three heart breaking experiences. My best advice is to do your home work on the importer and his suppliers.
Thanks for the advice I will do more research on the breeder since I know who it is ... I want the Rafflesia he has some nice ones ...

06-10-2018, 02:30 PM
Vietnam sells tons of Discus to Malaysian
buyers so in an round about way the buyer
may still be buying Discus from Vietnam.


06-10-2018, 03:08 PM
Sure, but a competent importer surely knows what's going on in his area of expertise. Regardless of the country the fish come from the Malaysian buyers know the reputation of the people they are buying from, right? So the guy who imports the fish from Vietnam, or wherever, must have trust in the honesty or the guy he buys from. Shoot, every time fish change hands it all depends on trust.

Of course we here in the States could all opt for Stendker's. They are always free of dread disease.

06-11-2018, 12:53 AM
I found my future discus golden base rafflesia getting 8 of them Friday

06-11-2018, 01:05 AM
nice mate...who are you buying them through? Did the seller send you any pics you can post? :bounce:

06-11-2018, 09:05 AM
nice mate...who are you buying them through? Did the seller send you any pics you can post? :bounce:

I got them from Al Castro .. I only have videos and not sure how to post them .. I’ve always wanted the red Rafflesia but knew they were pigeon based so when I saw these guys and they were golden base and a new strain I have to get them ..5 are 4 inch and 3 are 5 plus inch so we shall see how they grow out

Second Hand Pat
06-11-2018, 09:15 AM
I got them from Al Castro .. I only have videos and not sure how to post them .. I’ve always wanted the red Rafflesia but knew they were pigeon based so when I saw these guys and they were golden base and a new strain I have to get them ..5 are 4 inch and 3 are 5 plus inch so we shall see how they grow out

You can upload videos to YouTube and embed them using the "Insert Video" icon. This thread might be helpful http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?106217-YouTube-How-to-and-FAQ.