View Full Version : How Many Discus can I add?

07-02-2018, 02:03 AM
I've recently looked into upgrading to a 55 gallon tank, and I'm hoping I finally have the space needed to house some discus. I currently have a very peaceful community of 9 cory cats, 6 mountain minnows, 4 congo tetras, and 3 kuhli loaches. I'm currently keeping my tank at 28 degrees Celsius (82 in Fahrenheit) and all of the fish seem content. With my existing stock, I don't know if I can reasonably add a group of five or six discus, which seem to be the recommended minimum number. That being said, I've also been researching keeping a single discus, or a pair, though I worry about aggression and a lack of healthy social interactions.
I'd appreciate any advice on how many discus I can reasonably stock in a 55 gallon, if I could reasonably keep a single discus, or even if I could keep a few. Any advice on aggression, stocking levels, incompatibility, or any general tips as I attempt to navigate this species would be greatly appreciated.

07-02-2018, 06:28 AM
Unless you want to do massive water changes each day, a pair (male and female or two females) would be best. I have 7 fish in a 55 and it is a lot of work. Get large adult fish as they are much less likely to get diseases. I know this will sound strange, but it is cheaper in the long run to purchase expensive healthy adult fish than lots of small ones for less money.
My other comment is don’t mix colours. Fish of the same colour look better together - if you like red get two reds, if you like blue get two blues etc.

07-10-2018, 08:32 PM
I can vouch for the don't mix colors. I have a 55 with a red blue gold and a stunted discus I got from a LFS with perma stress stripes and a green red coloration and let me just say I wish I went all gold or all reds

07-10-2018, 10:57 PM
Your 4 congos are 2+ males?
If so they might be fighting too frequently than the discus would like.

07-12-2018, 11:45 AM
So the question is not how many discus you can add, but how many water changes can you make weekly? If you can't do more than one, I would forget discus. It's not a fish suitable for a community tank. If you went barebottom and changed water daily, you can raise 5 - 6 discus in a 55.
