View Full Version : Ammonia spike

07-23-2018, 10:37 PM
I treated my tank with levamisole to deworm and 24 hours later did a 75% water change in my 75 gallon tank. A day later I’m getting.25 ammonia readings. Nitrite is 0 and nitrate is around 10, ph is 6.8. Tank is at 76 degrees. Sand bottom, two plants not very big plants to call it a planted tank. I treated with prime and added the Fluval ammonia remover pebbles to my canister filter and ammonia is still around .25. I’m starting to think my bio load was effected by the meds. I have a bottle of Seachem stability, but I have never used it before. Do you guys think I should add it to the tank. I’m worried about the ammonia level, first time I’ve ever had a spike.

07-24-2018, 04:16 AM
Do you keep any fish in this tank and is your filter fully cycled and mature yet ?
Levamisole is known as a harmless medication for filter bacteria so my bet would be that you have disturbed your not fully cycled filter with the big WC .
Seachem stability would be a good choice to speed up the process of cycling and help in faster establishing of the Beneficial bacteria in the filters .
BTW , what kind of filter do you have ?

07-24-2018, 10:53 AM
Filter has been running since January. I have cleaned two of the sponges 3 weeks ago. Never have changed the bio rings, just rinsed with treated water. I added stability and a second dose of prime last night. I’ll recheck this afternoon for ammonia nitrite and nitrate before my water change. The combo of the meds and cleaning the sponge must have taken out to much benafitial bacteria. I also have a hang off the back filter running with one filter with carbon and the other with bio-rings. The only reason I’m running carbon is to get any meds left from treatment out.

07-25-2018, 05:48 AM
A fully established filter shouldn't crush by using levamisole or cleaning it with tank water .
I still wonder what happened though .

P.s. I guess you do not keep discus in this tank with 76 f Temp ?

07-25-2018, 01:45 PM
Sorry meant 86 not 76. Typo. Used stability the last two days and ammonia is back at 0. Had a discus die last night. ��

07-25-2018, 01:46 PM
86 degrees not 76, typo.