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View Full Version : my room divider discus tank!

09-01-2018, 11:06 PM
hi everyone! my very first post on this site was about my sick fish and not a really happy one, therefore I will now properly introduce myself!
My name is Nancy. I am 41, have 3 amazing daughters and lots of fish! loll I have been keeping fish for over 20 years. I started with goldfish, then moved on to livebearers and others such as angels, tetras, tiger barbs, danios, etc. I always had only one or 2 tanks for personnal pleasure only, never was interested in breeding. I have been in love with discus my hole life, but took a whole lot of time before I felt ready to keep them. then I landed on a good deal for a 120 gallon and decide it was time to go for it! I decided the tank would make a PERFECT room divider between my living room and home office. here are pics of the work, hope you like it!

the living room wall housed an ethanol fireplace before. the other pic is the office side. no before pics of that wall but only had a bookcase in front of it.

09-01-2018, 11:20 PM
apparently my pics are showing sideways. I will post them when I figure out how to change that! sorry...

two utes
09-01-2018, 11:26 PM
Nice seeing you back here Nancy, and hope that you haven't been discouraged at all. Looking forward to seeing those pictures you have...even if they are sideways. Maybe try resizing them a little smaller..that helps sometimes, otherwise I'm sure one of our fantastic mods will sort it out.

09-01-2018, 11:37 PM
thanks so much! I am here very often but I only read a lot and do not say much! hoping I can participate a little more and share a little! my pics are very big indeed, will try to resize and see if that works!

09-02-2018, 12:17 AM
Welcome back and best of luck with the 120. Totally understand the feeling about wanting to bring something to the forum besides tales of disease and loss! My experience exactly, and probably that of tons of other people. Look forward to hearing about your next steps and seeing what you have going on and how it develops. :thumbsup:

09-02-2018, 12:24 AM
ok figured out the pics!

living room wall before


office wall after the demo started



living room wall demo


tank placed! I find everything looks so small on my pics, but this tank is 5 feet long!


I found some wall cover panels for very cheap at the hardware store and decide to use that around the tank. the hole wall cost me 35$ to make. I had lots of stain already so used it and ended up loving the result!


living room wall completed

decorations an fish

we then decided to move on to relocating the fireplace. I did not want to lose that thing, its a real blessing during the cold Quebec winters! It moved to the other side of the living room and we installed it in the corner and I used the same wood slats as the tank wall. I love the look of it!


two utes
09-02-2018, 12:30 AM
Glad you sorted out the pics. Nice set up!...Bet you spend lots of time staring at your tank while kicking back in your living room or office.

09-02-2018, 12:30 AM
now the hard part! the office side needed some doors and storage so it was a little more challenging but I was finally done! my hardware store did not have enough of the hinges I wanted so I purchased all I could and received the last ones much later on, this is why the bottom door is not installed in the pics, but it is all completed for some time now, just never took the pics! my office also underwent some more renos to accomodate more tanks. I have not finished everything in the office but will update when done if your curious to see my other tanks! (non discus tanks...)






09-02-2018, 12:51 AM
Glad you sorted out the pics. Nice set up!...Bet you spend lots of time staring at your tank while kicking back in your living room or office.

definately! I actually moved my desk to face the tank! I find myself staring at it more than the computer! :)

Paul Sabucchi
09-02-2018, 06:51 AM
Hi and welcome back on a more positive note. You did a great job fitting in that tank, very neat!

Second Hand Pat
09-02-2018, 08:16 AM
Wow Nancy and nicely done on the tank project. It looks great. Are you adding some cabinets around the tank on the office side of the tank?

09-02-2018, 02:42 PM
Wow Nancy and nicely done on the tank project. It looks great. Are you adding some cabinets around the tank on the office side of the tank?

yes, the last 2 pics are from the office side. I have 2 doors uptop and 2 doors on the bottom. the top part I do not use for storage as I need a lot of space when I do my water changes. the bottom part is where I have my 2 canisters and all my food and other stuff. I can store a lot of things down there, love all the storage! ll the pics in post number 8 are from the office side.

09-02-2018, 02:44 PM
Welcome back and best of luck with the 120. Totally understand the feeling about wanting to bring something to the forum besides tales of disease and loss! My experience exactly, and probably that of tons of other people. Look forward to hearing about your next steps and seeing what you have going on and how it develops. :thumbsup:

Glad you sorted out the pics. Nice set up!...Bet you spend lots of time staring at your tank while kicking back in your living room or office.

Hi and welcome back on a more positive note. You did a great job fitting in that tank, very neat!

thanks so much!! :heart2: