View Full Version : Suicidal fish.....

09-21-2018, 08:58 PM
So tell me ... how many of you have had a fish jump into oblivion on you? Were you amazed they fit through that openning? Been there and done that... and its always my favorite fish! I have had discus fit through opennings its just not possible they fit through. It must be that slime coat that lets them defy what should be scientifically impossible!

I have seen people with open top discus tanks and Im really amazed... How did they train them not to jump out?! If it were my tank I guarantee my favorite discus would one day be fish Jerky!

Please cover your tanks! :)

This message brought to.you by the "Anti-Discus Suicide League"

Paul Sabucchi
09-22-2018, 02:42 AM
My mbuna would probably all end asvcat food if I had no lud, one tank has a 1" hole to allow feeding, have to wedge a scrubby in it!

09-22-2018, 03:59 PM
I guess I fall in to the few lucky ones that haven't yet experienced a loss over a discus suicidal tendencies :) .
My main tank is fully secured with glass and canopy on top so it's not a friendly place for discus who has decided that his life has no meaning .
MY QT is completly open though and Ive never experienced discus death over jumping from there either .
One exception was when I was fighting "dash and smash " or whirling symptoms on my discus in the QT tank and I had to chase and pick up discus off my floor on a several occasions but I was lucky enough to be there for him when he jumped out .

I think that rimmless open top discus tanks looks totally amazing but I will never encourage my self to make one mainly due to the water evaporation in my living room as well as electricity bills from maintaining 84 F and keeping the strong water surface agitation at the Same time .

Second Hand Pat
09-23-2018, 08:06 AM
I am like Filip. Display tank is sealed but QTs are only partial covered. The only fish I had jump was from the group of F1 Cuipeua from Mark (DiscusOrigin) and that tank was fully covered except for a tiny opening between the back of the tank and the plastic piece which fits on the back of glass lid. It was a wee crack but that darn fish found it. :(

09-23-2018, 10:47 PM
I don't have an experience with suicidal discus... and hopefully will never have.

Though, my Black Ghost Knifefish (BGK, about 8 inches long at that time) successfully jumped through a 2"x 2" gap for auto-feeder.
I was at work, but luckily my wife was in the room and heard a weird noise,
checked the tank and didn't find BGK and screamed for my son (he was 6 back then).

My son went into the room, looked under the bed found the fish, screamed like a hulk,
pushed away 30g rubbermaid that I used for QT for a foot, reached under the bed,
grabbed the fish single-handedly (literally) and released it back to the tank.

My BGK survived, traumatized (he had never been near the surface since then) but physically healthy otherwise. (He's 14" now)

I on the other hand, looked at my son differently since then...
Granted the rubbermaid had casters, but it must be 250+ pounds with water inside...

Did I mention he was 6yo back then?


09-24-2018, 09:16 AM
I had an angelfish pair when I was about 9 years old and the male jumped out while I was at school. When I got home, he was dried up and hard and actually stuck to the floor/ I peeled him up and tossed him back into the tank (for some reason :confused:) and he came back to life. Although he never was the same again, he did try to do his job and spawn. I think the female eventually killed him because he wasn't man enough anymore...

09-24-2018, 09:27 AM
Somewhere on the forum is a thread I made many moons ago where I talked about my oscars.. I had the unpleasant experience where one jumped out and landed in a fry tank. Don't remember if it was a tank of discus or angelfish fry but I do remember having many more fry before he jumped in vs after.:mad:


09-24-2018, 10:35 AM
My tank is open top. I lost 1 to jumping and another jumped when I was in the room and was able to quickly return him to the tank. Otherwise, (knock on wood) I haven't had any jumpers.