View Full Version : ammonia spike possible over plant fertilizer?

10-16-2018, 05:30 PM
i noticed today that i had a huge ammonia spike i came home and 7 or 8 cardnials where dead and a few german rams ive been messing with adding more plant fertilizer to my tank cause i had some kind of deficency i use dry ferts but i did a test and my ammonia level was through the roof i double dosed prime and just did a 50 percent water change all my discus seem ok a little stressed out but think theyll be alright can over fertilzing cause this or do you think it may be a different issue i havent really been feeding more than i always have i feed 3 times a day once pellets and two feeding of freeze dried black worms and i give my l plecos a few waffers at night and i add a cucmber or zuchinni to the tank anyway id appreciate any advice thanks

10-17-2018, 02:19 AM
Not a chance for ammonia spike from ferts Matt. They do not contain any ammonia or anything else that could contribute to amonia but just plain elements like N-P-K-Mg-Fe etc.
Besides that PPS Pro method of dosing that you use is a minimalistic approach with very low and safe doses of N-P-K.

Your established filter crashed somehow but I don't now how .

Did you clean the filter thoroughly recently ?
Did you by any chance took out sand or substrate from the botttom ?
Do you use dechlor for your WCs ?
Did you add any new bioload recently ?

Meanwhile , Change water daily and use triple dose of Seachem safe to bind the ammonia in unharmful compound , as their instructions advocate in case of ammonia spike .

10-17-2018, 04:22 PM
Not a chance for ammonia spike from ferts Matt. They do not contain any ammonia or anything else that could contribute to amonia but just plain elements like N-P-K-Mg-Fe etc.
Besides that PPS Pro method of dosing that you use is a minimalistic approach with very low and safe doses of N-P-K.

Your established filter crashed somehow but I don't now how .

Did you clean the filter thoroughly recently ?
Did you by any chance took out sand or substrate from the botttom ?
Do you use dechlor for your WCs ?
Did you add any new bioload recently ?

Meanwhile , Change water daily and use triple dose of Seachem safe to bind the ammonia in unharmful compound , as their instructions advocate in case of ammonia spike .

ya i cleaned my smaller filter a few days ago but i didn't do anything out of the ordinary i just ringed out the sponges with tank water i have an fx6 and a aquaclear 110 i cleaned the aquaclear all i did was clean out the filter rung out the sponges with tank water and put the bag of bio rings in a bucket with tank water and rinsed those out a little but i alternate with cleaning filter like every 3 weeks but i just did a 75 percent water change yesterday and double dosed with prime and all my levels seem to be ok maybe i over cleaned the filter does anybody use products like seachem stability after a water change would that help to prevent this but thanks for the reply filip i guess its possible that maybe i over cleaned the filter but i really didn't do anything i normally don't do