View Full Version : Using Flash Photography on Fish

Second Hand Pat
10-18-2018, 11:53 AM
So I am using a speedlight to attempt to take pictures of the contest fry. I have the speedlight on top of the tank with a diffuser. I admit I am underwhelmed with the results. First the speedlight limits my SS to 250 and I am bring the aperture down to F/10 or so due to the brightness of the speedlight. ISO is 100. I find I want to shoot the fish dark to capture the fine detail. Using a Sigma macro lens. Suggestions??

10-18-2018, 12:02 PM
can you adjust the speedlight's flash interval like you would adjust the exposure interval on the camera? Some speedlights will let you cut the light up to 2.5 full stops.

You could also set your speed light for high speed, adjust your ISO to 400 or even up to 1600, then open the aperture and use a faster shutter speed to get your desired effect.

F10 gives you clarity through out your depth of field, but when shooting fish usually you are shooting close to one focal plane.

Good luck :)

10-18-2018, 03:59 PM
250ss bounce line sucks about the limits of flash, however, there is a workaround by buying some cheap triggers. You can go above the 1/250 ceiling this way so you aren't limited

Second Hand Pat
10-18-2018, 04:01 PM
Dave, I figured out at to change the brightness of the speedlight so I have now to 1/8 and a aperture of 3.5. But can I change the flash interval of 250?

Second Hand Pat
10-18-2018, 04:05 PM
250ss bounce line sucks about the limits of flash, however, there is a workaround by buying some cheap triggers. You can go above the 1/250 ceiling this way so you aren't limited

I have a controller Ricardo which acts as a trigger. Maybe I should play with that?

10-18-2018, 04:33 PM
Dave, I figured out at to change the brightness of the speedlight so I have now to 1/8 and a aperture of 3.5. But can I change the flash interval of 250?

you should be able to change the sync speed on the flash from 250... most flashes sync at 1/160, 1/180, or 1/250. My flash has a high speed option so it will sync at faster shutter speeds. I am running the Pentax AF 540 flash (but I know that doesn't help you). Another suggestion is to use trailing curtain flash so that the flash fires at the end of the shutter actuation instead of firing at the beginning of the shutter actuation.

Shoot in RAW and underexpose, and then in post processing (when you open the file to do your editing) you can bring the exposure back up. RAW is like having all of the puzzle pieces to make a picture, and JPEG is like having most of the puzzle pieces there with your brain filling what is missed with 10% of the pieces gone.

Second Hand Pat
10-18-2018, 05:28 PM
Thanks Dave :)

A few examples...could be better..



10-18-2018, 05:55 PM
All of y'all were talking over my head but Pat got it. Excellent results, Pat.

Second Hand Pat
10-18-2018, 09:36 PM
All of y'all were talking over my head but Pat got it. Excellent results, Pat.

Thanks Liz :D

Had a text convo with Al and Ricardo and with their tips came up with this...still room for improvement :)






10-19-2018, 01:13 AM
Wow Pat great job. I'm with Liz...it's a whole different language...I'm at work tonight and got floated from the Med/Surg ICU to work in the the Cardiovascular ICU...I have been a nurse for 24 yrs and tonight receive shift report from a new graduate still in orientation. I had to keep interrupting her and asking "what does that abbreviation mean?" The language & terminology related to specific areas of expertise is no too dissimilar to a foreign language LOL

10-19-2018, 06:52 AM
Thank Liz :D

Had a text convo with Al and Ricardo and with their tips came up with this...still room for improvement :)






Pat looks like you are good to go. Nice job on the pics and fry so far.

Second Hand Pat
10-19-2018, 07:30 AM
Wow Pat great job. I'm with Liz...it's a whole different language...I'm at work tonight and got floated from the Med/Surg ICU to work in the the Cardiovascular ICU...I have been a nurse for 24 yrs and tonight receive shift report from a new graduate still in orientation. I had to keep interrupting her and asking "what does that abbreviation mean?" The language & terminology related to specific areas of expertise is no too dissimilar to a foreign language LOL

Thanks Daniel, I was a software engineer in my working life and very time I started a new assignment the first thing to learn was all the assignment specific acronyms. I am sure the medical field has why more then my job ever had.

Second Hand Pat
10-19-2018, 07:33 AM
Pat looks like you are good to go. Nice job on the pics and fry so far.

Thanks Al for the assist. I am putting it to good use :D