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10-28-2018, 04:13 PM
I want to write about all them and what's going on with them. I know that nobody cares but me. I just want to have it written. I shall go alphabetically.

Binky is a Rat Terrier that I didn't want but adopted to save her from what would be a bad outcome. It took a long time for me to become fond of her. She has always had a chronic skin fungus that was in check until she got old (she's 14) and her immune system got wasn't working as well as it had been. Generally she gets by on 2 ketaconazole baths a week but sometimes she needs oral meds which are bad for her liver but keep her from being miserable. What I use on her is not expensive, thank God.

Big head is a Sharpei/Basset mix. 10 years old. He's a sweet boy. I found him under my old devastated Katrina house. He's not real bright. So far he has cost me nothing but I worry about his hips.

Bruno is the love of my life. He's only 2 1/2 years old. He was given to me by a mother and daughter who had something wrong in the head. He only trusts me and is afraid of all other people. He's smart as a whip but I can't get him to trust. Everyone sees that he wants to. He just can't. I'm sure that this is a result of his upbringing and his natural timid nature. I adopted him when he was just 5 months old. By then his fear of strangers was in him to stay, but I keep trying...

Chloe was a dog I adopted when her mom who had been a grooming customer decided to have a baby. She's a Lhasa mix and has the personality of a Lhasa. She pretty much likes only me. She loves nothing more than terrorizing strangers. She has the instinct to know which people are vulnerable to her terrorizing. She has few teeth and a bad underbite so she has never been able to bite anyone. I have to lock her in the bed room when customers come. She is 12 years old. She can still jump on and off the bed. She has a grade 4 heart murmur but no coughing or other symptoms. She is among my favorite dogs. Her meds don't cost much and she only gets them once a day. She sure cost me a bundle when she had in inflamed eye that did not respond to treatment and had to be removed. I call her my one eyed wonder.

Kate is a Jack Russell who cost $20. She's 12 years old now. She's the only one of my dogs I had to pay for. I could tell that after I had her spayed she would get fat. I had no idea that she would get as fat as she is. All her rear leg conformation has been messed up because she's so fat. When she walks her udders swing from side to side. I feed my 8 dogs free choice and she decided that her favorite thing was to eat. I bought steps for her so she could get up on the bed. She won't use them to jump off. I have to help her get off. She has only had one thing that cost me money. It was back when she had blood in her pee.

Pip is my new puppy. I figure she is 12 weeks old. I found her along a highway trying to get hit by a car. She is delightful. It's been a long time since I've had a very young puppy. She had to be treated for demodex and a skin fungus. The demodex seems to have been cured. I'm still giving her a ketaconazole bath twice a week. She hasn't been terribly expensive and her problems are just due to her neglected condition.

Saint Puppy is my number one dog. He's a 14 year old Chow. I have had both his knees operated on and they're fine now. He has the same thing as I have in his spine. He and I are on the same meds except that he and I are on different non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. He has cost me a bundle but I don't care.

Tink is a 13 year old Rat Terrier. She's my vacant lot dog. She's independent to the point of being cat-like. She has cost me nothing but I really should take her for a general check up.

I believe that is all eight of them. I would be like Paul and have tons of dogs, but I only have room in my heart for eight.

Second Hand Pat
10-28-2018, 09:37 PM
Don't be silly Liz, of course we care. Sounds like you have a nice but varied pack. Bruno sounds interesting. I would like to meet him :)

10-28-2018, 10:59 PM
I love hearing about your dogs too Liz. I remember seeing pics in another thread and was trying to put the name to the pics I remembered. I remember Kate, Bruno, Pip, Chloe, and St Puppy just off the top of my head. I remember thinking of how you gave them a second chance at finding happiness and how lucky they were to have found a home with you. You are a good soul and gave those dogs hope, care and the love they needed.
With all the bad news happening right now with the latest shooting/pipe bombs, I can tell you I needed to read something to restore my faith a little. I needed to read something filled with compassion instead of hate, so thanks for sharing. I can sleep good tonight.

Paul Sabucchi
10-29-2018, 06:22 AM
It is always a pleasure to read about your dogs, you are always a bright example of a kind, caring and loving human being. It also comforts folks like me, making us feel we are not the only fools! All our love to you and your animal family

10-29-2018, 08:22 AM
You already know I care Liz. Good to read their stories though.