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View Full Version : NADA Raffle !! A Breeding Pair!!

11-12-2018, 01:06 AM

NADA Raffle! Confirmed Breeding Pair!!

The Holidays are just around the corner and it would sure be nice to start the Holidays with a confirmed Pair from Myrtle Beach Discus for yourself or your favorite discus nut. Jovan of Myrtle Beach Discus has donated this confirmed pair of gorgeous Valentines for this raffle. Just look how nice these discus are in the pictures below.
So if you are wanting to add to your collection, breed discus or just want two discus in a small tank these could be your discus. Remember all proceeds help us to host the 2020 NADA Discus Show!!

A very special Thanks to Jovan of Myrtle Beach Discus for his generous donation to NADA which makes this raffle possible.
This raffle is going to sell out quickly, so don’t wait too long to buy your tickets!
NADA is offering up to 250 people the opportunity to win!

Shipping to your door is included in the price of your raffle ticket!! Canadian residents may buy tickets for this raffle if they can arrange to pickup the fish within the US.

The raffle is limited to 250 tickets and ends when all tickets are sold or ends on November 28, 2018 at 10 pm E/T. Tickets sell out fast, so don’t wait!

Photo’s of the Raffle Discus


To buy your tickets go here:


Ticket holder responsibilities:
If you buy one or more tickets to this raffle and are declared the winner, you will be contacted via email and phone (if possible).
If you do not respond within 96 hours after the raffle ending date, a new ticket number will be drawn and a new winner declared.
As the winner of the raffle your name will become public upon your acceptance of the raffle prize and will be published where the raffle was published. This includes (but not limited to) the NADA website (http://www.discusnada.org/), SimplyDiscus forums (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/forum.php) and Facebook.

Should an issue or problem arise that is not covered under the raffle rules and responsibilities, we maintain all rights to resolve it as we see fit. You agree to this by your participation in the raffle.

Keith Perkins
11-16-2018, 11:11 AM
Thank you Jovan! What an awesome donation to be offering up a nice looking confirmed pair. Now I just need to decide exactly how many tickets I want.

11-16-2018, 11:26 AM
Thank you for the opportunity! just bought a few tickets.

11-28-2018, 11:22 PM
Congratulations to Rickie Belitz. Rickie, you have won the confirmed pair generously donated by Myrtle Beach discus! Watch your email!!

Altum Nut
11-28-2018, 11:48 PM
Congrats Rickie :thumbsup: Santa delivered ahead of schedule.
Special thanks to Myrtle Beach Discus for the generous donation.
