View Full Version : First pair - a few spawn with mixed result?

11-15-2018, 06:06 PM
Hi all,

I recently just got into Discus and it has amazed me, did quite a bit of research but I guessed still not enough? I have a 120g planted community tank (guppies, ect). I recently added 9 discus various in sizes and colors). Didn't think I would be lucky, but just after only a week in the tank, I noticed two seem like they paired up. A 5" snake skin blue diamond and a 4" red Alenquer they hang out in a corner, aggressive. I have read enough to know that they are pairing up and maybe getting ready to breed. So I put in a PVC to their hang out spot... they poke at it but didn't like it... 3-4 days later I noticed the 4" Alenquer (which I believe is the female) is standing right on top of this rock and wouldn't move and there's other small fish in the tank wanting to get on the rock for something. To my surprised they have laided eggs on this rock and it was extremely hard to see... but it was on this flat rock. :D I am stokes! So to prevent the other fishes, I divided the tank. About 50% of the eggs turn white within 24hours and the female like to pick on them (all though the male wouldn't let her). Well, as soon as I saw this, I immediately used a mesh to protect the eggs. Few days later about 4-5 eggs I could see turned to wrigglers and the rest has fungus on them. They were starting to fall off the rocks into the sands... I read that Discus would suck them in and blow them back on so I removed the mesh... big mistake. The female immediately went over and ate them all, did not split them back out. :D The male was pissed, chasing after the female, but too late.

Anyway, I got a new 36g tank and move them into their own tank, got a breeding ceramic cone, cover the tank and all that good stuff. Sure thing few days later they laid eggs on the cone all perfect to plan. This time I am going to let nature play it course. Eggs eventually start to go white, only a small amount of fungus.... female eat them all again. Third time come around, I caged the eggs again, all eggs turned white. Fourth time, I decided to use some metalyne blue, this time the eggs last a bit longer before turning white... I did see some (10/80 eggs) was starting to get dark, look like there's something in them... But all disappear next day.

I know it take patience and it isn't easy and I can't be that lucky. All of this within 2 weeks? :) But I am wondering if there's something wrong in my water? Or did I pick the wrong male out of the tank? But this pair hang out with each other, all of the other one are 3-3.5 inches... don't think they are mature enough? Also I did witness one spawn and I did see the male play his roll.

My 120G tank PH is around 7.8 - 8 (yes I know that's high, but I am in PHX Arizona, water ph is high and I am using my RO water). The new 36G tank PH however is even higher 7.9-8.1 due to bare tank, no driftwood or plants... I have been keeping my tank at 80-81F.

So I am curious? Is it possible that the male is fertile the first time... then nothing after that for a while? Could it be the water? the ceramic cone? I am considering removing the ceramic cone and put back in the magical rock! :D


11-15-2018, 07:14 PM
Congrats on your pair. It’s pretty cool to watch. I would leave them in the main tank since she is still eating her spawn. This will allow the pair to learn and gain parenting skills.

11-18-2018, 07:25 PM
Any more advise guys?

They just spawn again... but I don't have high hopes. I have hang in the back filter, I read somewhere that the filter should be turned off while they spawn because there's a chance that the strong water flow could flush the sperms away from the egg... (maybe this is part of my issue).

Is water hardness at 150 is too hard for Discus? My biggest concerns is my high PH level 7.9-8 and 150 hardness... But my house have a water softener and RO and I am always using RO water for my tank. Not sure what else I can do, I don't want to chase PH and don't know if there's any effective way to reduce water hardness?