View Full Version : Fry Incubators

11-21-2018, 10:44 AM
I was at a breeders warehouse the other day and they had these floating incubators that they were keeping fry in. Both Discus and Angelfish. I was trying to find where I can get one of these.

Adam S
11-21-2018, 11:10 AM
There are a a few types of floating incubators (usually called breeder boxes or fry traps). What did it look like?

11-21-2018, 05:25 PM
I was at a breeders warehouse the other day and they had these floating incubators that they were keeping fry in. Both Discus and Angelfish. I was trying to find where I can get one of these.

Did they look like this? http://www.swisstropicals.com/filtration-shop/better-fishkeeping-supplies/


11-21-2018, 06:40 PM
Did they look like this? http://www.swisstropicals.com/filtration-shop/better-fishkeeping-supplies/


Nice invention with filter and circulation Rick .I feel so middle age seeing this fancy gadget for the first time in my life :)

11-21-2018, 06:50 PM
I could use one or two of those. I'll check out the link. Swiss Tropical's products are excellent but very costly.

11-21-2018, 07:17 PM
Nice invention with filter and circulation Rick .I feel so middle age seeing this fancy gadget for the first time in my life :)

I've been very impressed with it. I bought it wanting to bring up some corydoras fry but just to try it out, I put the entire Apistogramma cave with the opening facing the water inlet and I'm amazed at the number of fry that are growing in this thing. I posted this video in another link but check it out. I took this with my cell phone on max magnification.


I could use one or two of those. I'll check out the link. Swiss Tropical's products are excellent but very costly.

I agree, really like the products....not so much the price. One of the other "new" products the "BetterBoxFilter" they have I "reversed engineered"...that is if you concider taking one of their cube filters, cutting off the tile base and stuffing it into a cut section of PVC fence post that is siliconed to a tile "Reverse engeered" I just had a hard time justifying that adding on a plastic box would be worth an additional $24.00 when I could do the same with scrap stuff. BUT, the dang thing works.

11-22-2018, 04:29 PM
I was at a breeders warehouse the other day and they had these floating incubators that they were keeping fry in. Both Discus and Angelfish. I was trying to find where I can get one of these.

They may work with other species, but not discus or angelfish. In both cases, you'll need to move the spawn into 10+ gallon containers within 2 weeks free swimming.


11-22-2018, 04:33 PM
So much for that, then. I was thinking that it might work with a small spawn of Angels. Oh well...

Adam S
11-22-2018, 06:10 PM
I use them with plecos (shocker) and they work quite well for that. Spawns of up to 15 can be kept in the rings for a few months and really even out growth rates. If you need more than a few rings, it's cheaper to just make them. Nylon mesh, acrylic tube, styrofoam, super glue, and an air stone.

I've also used Marina breeder boxes and homemade traps made from specimen containers with good success, and maybe those would be better suited for angels.

10-03-2019, 04:10 PM
try coffee filters

10-04-2019, 11:46 AM
When I bought the 10 dime sized discus I kept them in a Mariana breeder box so I could localize feeding. This was in my 75 gallon tank. Eventually I split the group into two of the breeder boxes until the discus were the size of a half dollar. Then I released them into the main tank.

Being that they were used to me feeding them in the breeder box they started coming to the front of the tank for food... even bit me a couple times when I was pressing frozen blackworm/beef heart cubes to the glass.

I don't have discus right now (I sold the discus I had due to money issues a few years ago), but when I have some more time I will have discus again (preferably a Wild F-1 strain).