View Full Version : Fungus vs White/Infertile vs Fertile ???

11-26-2018, 10:09 PM
Hey all,

Just a few key questions.

1. What's the key difference between a white infertile egg and fungus egg?

2. Is fungus or white egg contagious? meaning it can destroy the good one too?

3. I see some micro white creepy crawly things moving around the eggs on the cone... is this bad? Is this what had been killing the eggs?

This is the 6th spawn, this two couple spawn with their first time in a community tank, which I put in a divider afterward, I did see 2-3 wriggler, but then the female ate them. Ever since, I moved them to their separate tank, but no more wrigglers since the first spawn. I see some eggs that are dark and with black spot, trying not to get my hopes up to high, those are the eyes right? fertile? Do I need to do anything about those white eggs? I understand that the parents should be eating those white eggs... but if I remove the cage, I think we all know what's going to happen. :D

Any advises? Thank You

11-27-2018, 06:09 AM
Fungus only attacks dead tissue here.. usually the good eggs will hatch fine. In rare cases where theres only a few fertile eggs the fungus around them can smother the good eggs. I would do nothing at this point and let them hatch and go freeswimming. They should be fine. Just be sure the water has good aeration.

It looks like you have a bunch of fertile ones there. Good luck!



3. I see some micro white creepy crawly things moving around the eggs on the cone... is this bad? Is this what had been killing the eggs? these sound like planaria or copepods.. planaria slide on surfaces ..copepods swim and flit around. Planaria are usually not an issue with eggs.. copepods in high numbers can be be with fry.

Both critters being present in large numbers are telling you you need better tank hygiene. Wipe the walls and rinse the filters coupled with water changes will get rid of them

11-27-2018, 01:33 PM
Fungus only attacks dead tissue here.. usually the good eggs will hatch fine. In rare cases where theres only a few fertile eggs the fungus around them can smother the good eggs. I would do nothing at this point and let them hatch and go freeswimming. They should be fine. Just be sure the water has good aeration.

It looks like you have a bunch of fertile ones there. Good luck!



these sound like planaria or copepods.. planaria slide on surfaces ..copepods swim and flit around. Planaria are usually not an issue with eggs.. copepods in high numbers can be be with fry.

Both critters being present in large numbers are telling you you need better tank hygiene. Wipe the walls and rinse the filters coupled with water changes will get rid of them

Thank you for your response. Woke up this morning to a bunch of wigglers. Yay! After 5 unsuccessful spawn, I finally know why. I believe it was the back hanging filter that blow strong current down that causes the infertile rate. This spawn, I had moved the filter away on the other side of the tank divider.. seem like that did the trick. This morning I noticed the female was sucking in the wiggler as they fall, split it back once.. but if it didn't stick, she ate it instead. So I had removed the female, I am not sure if this was a mistake or not. But I figure it's better than letting her eating it all by the end of the day. The male on the other hand seem more patience and keep on splitting the wiggler back. But it's funny as each time he try to put one back, 3-4 falls down. :D

A few more questions if you don't mind.
- Should I continue to feed the male as he's watching the wigglers?
- When is a good time to remove the metal mesh?
- Would 25% water change daily a good thing, don't want to spoke the fish.
- There's probably only around 20 wigglers, I am hoping with one parent is enough?
- When should I start feeding the frys with frozen baby brine shrimp? I don't think I am ready to take on the task of hatching live brine shrimp yet... seem troubles some. :(


11-27-2018, 02:06 PM
I dont feed my pairs until after the fry go free swimming.. some folks do though.

I would not remove the screen until after the fry have left the cone on their own. They should attach to the dad with 24 hrs or so .

You need not feed them until they have attached and started feeding well on the dad. I usually wait 4-5 days then introduce baby brine shrimp.FROZEN ones from the store arent very good.Best to hatch them yourself.
The dad can easily handle 20 fry...

Though feeding bbs isnt necessary right off the bat you will have better growth of your fry if you feed them in addition to what they get off the dad.


11-27-2018, 06:10 PM
I dont feed my pairs until after the fry go free swimming.. some folks do though.

I would not remove the screen until after the fry have left the cone on their own. They should attach to the dad with 24 hrs or so .

You need not feed them until they have attached and started feeding well on the dad. I usually wait 4-5 days then introduce baby brine shrimp.FROZEN ones from the store arent very good.Best to hatch them yourself.
The dad can easily handle 20 fry...

Though feeding bbs isnt necessary right off the bat you will have better growth of your fry if you feed them in addition to what they get off the dad.


Well, less to worry about I guess. Went away for an hour and came back, all fry were gone. No idea what happen, if the dad ate it, or it went free swimming and found it way through the divider and went over to mom and got eating. Anyhow, now I understand why Discus cost so much... because they are obviously dumb. :D