View Full Version : Laying eggs lights are on in tank

12-05-2018, 12:26 AM
So I have a 7 inch blue female who I was shown has produces tons of fry before. I was giving the male a rest and put my King Floira (very aggressive) 6 inch male in the 29g tank! He has tried 4 times in my community tank with a smaller 4 inch female who also needed a rest.

So only after 2 weeks she is laying tons of eggs and the male is doing his job.


Lights are on now and bright. I never use this room.. I feel like leaving the door close and not enter for 3 days.

Or do I turn off the light...they may get spooked right? Then the male may eat the eggs!

Take the inexperienced male out?

Tank temp is 85 leave it?


12-05-2018, 07:28 AM
I leave the lights on.

Id leave the male. If you take him out he will never get experience. If he does eat the eats try screening the eggs the next time.

85 is fine, most use a lower temp (80-82)
to get them to breed but if they did breed in 85, I would not mess with it.

Good Luck!

12-05-2018, 01:11 PM
Issue a have is the very experienced female is still getting bullied by the male. Looks like the female is trying to fan the eggs and the male is pushing it away. This happen before male is aways a bulliy.

12-05-2018, 05:35 PM
Then pick one to leave. I don't know why but I have always had better luck with the male being left. It sounds like your female may be the better choice, thats got to be your call based on behavior. Either one is capable of taking care of the fry alone.


12-08-2018, 01:21 PM
Male ended up eating the eggs. After a few days I ended up putting the proven pair back together. The inexperienced male is now in the community tank. Proven pair are already getting ready picking the cone! Lol... I moved them because the experienced male had tail rot. But after only 3 week now looks fine. Think is the male Bullie 5.5 inch really gets along with the 4 inch. They have layed egg's 3 times now. Also I was trying to give the smaller female a rest. Too small and wasn't eating... Now it's eating great.. experiment was a success. Both got there rest.

Question is the female too small to lay eggs? If they continue to lay eggs maybe I'll move them to a 20G..