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View Full Version : Pigeon Blood Discus Potential Bloat/Swim Bladder Problems?

12-06-2018, 04:07 AM
Hey all, so one of pigeon blood appears to have a lack of appetite as well as what may be a swim bladder issue, however I'm not sure. I got this fish from the same breeder as the rest a week ago and have only started to notice issues a few days ago. It started out with it not eating and cowering towards the back right of the tank at the bottom, rarely coming out. I decided this morning after it wasn't eating to net it and move it to an extra large breeding box I have attached to the side of the tank. I attempted to feed it twice, morning and lunch, with a mix of beef heart & blood worms however it didn't eat anything, I even threw in a pleco wafer in hopes for it to nibble at that, but no. Around dinner I boiled, skinned & mashed peas and coated them in garlic extract hoping for it to eat it but it just ignored it as it sank to the bottom, my other fish however didn't hesitate before gobbling the rest I put in the tank. The fish has also been doing backflips as well as standing on it's tail for the most part, occasionally on it's head as well. I tried to move it back into the tank to see if that'd change anything thinking it could have been the box but the current of my filter just pushed it into my val's and it got caught so I netted it back into the box.

I haven't treated the tank or the breeding box with any medication however I am thinking of using Epsom Salts (How much would I use for 400Litres / 106 Gallons)
I do also have a majority of the API medication on hand.

I have 6 angelfish, 9 discus, 2 upside down catfish, 1 elephant nosed catfish, 1 butterfly pleco & 2 peppermint bristlenose.
All fish are still only a few months old and none exceed more than 3-4 inches. There is also the potential of my largest discus of injuring it as it is quite a bully.

I do 60% water changes every other day.

The tank has a soil substrate with plants & driftwood. It's only been running for about 2 months however I used bacteria from other filters as well as quick start & prime. The angels, 6 discus and the elephant nose were living in a 100L tank prior for about a month as well. I moved the fish over the same day I bought the rest and it's been about a week and a few days now.

When doing water changes I add the appropriate amount of API Quick Start & Seachem Prime into a bucket of tap water before getting it to 27Celcius/80Fahrenheit and then adding it to the tank slowly and carefully to not disturb the fish or soil.

My water parameters have been clear and I always keep on top of them.
- temp 27C / 80F

- ph 6.8

- ammonia reading 0

- nitrite reading 0

- nitrate reading 3

I honestly may overfeed my fish because I'm not too sure on how much to feed them but I normally feed them 2 bloodworm cubes each feeding, dispersed between 6 angels and 9 discus, it goes practically instantly though. Feed them 3-4 times a day, mainly bloodworms with the occasional beef heart as well as mysis shrimp ( once every 2 days)

12-06-2018, 10:16 AM
Hello Joelo. Welcome to the forum!

Can you please follow this link and copy the questionnaire, fill out the requested information and paste it onto this thread? This may help us resolve your issues.



12-06-2018, 08:55 PM
The questionnaire is filled in, It's just done through paragraphs.

Sadly the little guy didn't make it through the night. Water params are still fine and I saw no issue on the fish so still unsure what it was from

12-06-2018, 09:37 PM
The questionnaire is filled in, It's just done through paragraphs.

Sadly the little guy didn't make it through the night. Water params are still fine and I saw no issue on the fish so still unsure what it was from

12-06-2018, 10:34 PM
Sorry about your little guy. I’m assuming you have other discus in that tank? If so, you may still want to fill out the questionnaire to make sure the others are going to be okay. Nothing worse than watching another one get sick. I’ve been down that road. :eek:

12-07-2018, 10:10 AM
The most concerning issue would be the substrate.You didn't mention how many times you clean it,which is so import,especially with young discus.Second issue;it is also something for thought:young discus are not your ordinary tropical community fish and shouldn't be treated like so.In most cases it just don't work as well as being raised in a species only tank until there are about 4.5-5 inches at least.

12-13-2018, 06:49 AM
It's been a while now and none of my other fish look ill, nor did my pigeon blood look ill at all. I think it may have sadly been one of those cases where the fish is born to die quickly.

12-13-2018, 07:57 AM
Mystery deaths suck. Glad everything is going ok now. Love to see a pic of your fish and a full tank shot :thumbsup: