View Full Version : Some Odd color changes.

12-11-2018, 12:38 AM
Ello everyone,

So this is a photo of one of my discus. (I think he's a wild but I could be wrong). This is what he(at least i assume this one is male. Again I could be wrong) looked like on his first day.


And about 30 days later this is what he looks like.


None of my other discus have changed much if at all. He eats just like the rest. Never seems to act strange and i do 50% water changes every 2 or 3 days. I test my Ammonia and Nitrates daily. Ammonia sits around 0-.25ppm. Nitrates are between 0-.25ppm. I give them a mixed diet of flakes, blood worms, granules (tetra color), and a beef heart formula with tilapia, shrimp, and peas(They get this every 2 weeks and just a small amount).

Not sure if it matters but he's in a 60 Gallon tank with 4 other discus, 4 Assorted Corydora Catfish, 3 Black ghost knifefish, 2 Common Plecos.


Thank you everyone.:D

12-11-2018, 02:37 AM
In my opinion the change you are seeing is the normal progression from a juvenile to adult coloration. I would say the fish is not wild, but rather a blue turquoise, and a nice looking discus at that!
Are you sure it was only 30 days between pictures though? In the 1st pic it looks about 3.5" and in the 2nd about 5". It would normally take a few months with perfect water & nutrition conditions to achieve that growth rate...

12-11-2018, 03:16 AM
First of all thank you. Secondly, I am 100% certain. I took both photos from different angles so i think that might of thrown off the way he looks. The first photo was from November 17th and the second was December 9th (at least what my phone tells me).

12-11-2018, 03:18 AM
Thank you for the advice. I was kinda losing my mind because i was unsure what was causing his color change so drastically.

12-11-2018, 03:47 AM
No problem mate. Tetra color granules will also enhance the fish's natural colors.
If color is becoming more vivid and bright it is usually a sign of a happy fish. Discus tend to color down, become dark, and show stress bars when they aren't happy. They also go off their food and head for the darkest part of the tank to sulk.
Have a good one!