View Full Version : Feeding the Fry

12-12-2018, 12:47 AM
Well after endless posts and lost hope I'm almost there! It's been exactly 24 hours and I'm looking at about 40 good eggs and Tons of white ones. The good eggs look black in middle.

I've feed them 2 times in morning half a cube of blood worm. They really don't eat even that... I have them in a 29G and did a small cleaning around the cone.

Light on at day and night light at night.

Big question I work full time. Most I assume do.. I plan. To leave them in the tank as long as possible but previous experience ...Ya 20 years ago I woke to about 100 discus eating mom and dad! It took 2 month for them to recover..lol. and I work in the home.

How to full time workers feed there fry? I leave at 9 and I'm home at 7?

Also how long it safe to leave with parents...


12-12-2018, 11:01 AM
Your pair should have no problem feeding 40-50fry.. just start supplimenting with baby brine shrimp after they have been attached and feeding a solid week or more.. Feed morning and night. Then pulll the fry when then parents look worn. You can technically pull the fry as soon as they are eating baby brine shrimp but the fry will grow better and faster if you leave them with the parents as long as possible.
