View Full Version : Discus with Black Ghost Knife?

12-13-2018, 08:27 AM
Hey Guys,
I bought a black ghost knife today, quite small, no bigger than 3 inches, and I put him in 400 litre / 105 Gallon tank, 4 x 1.5 x 1.5 ft, alongside my 8 discus, 6 angels, 2 upside catfish, elephant nose, 2 peppermint bristles & a butterfly pleco. None of the fish would be older than 4-6 months and I was wondering if everything should go over smoothly, there's a lot of hiding places, plants, ada amazonian soil, driftwood as well as dragon stones. I was told in most cases it's a 50-50 but I thought to ask for more advice from such highly knowledgeable people :)

12-13-2018, 11:16 AM
I don't know that answer to your question, though I do recall there was another thread recently about BGK fish and discus. Try using the search engine to see if you can find it.
Now that you have it already, what will you do if the "highly knowledgeable people" here advise that it's not a good idea? LOL
My question is, did you quarantine it before putting it in your discus tank? LFS fish are renouned for carrying pathogens that can sicken and even kill your discus.

12-13-2018, 11:22 AM
If it turns out to not be a good idea I have other spare tanks as well as other friends who would happily take it. I did not quarantine them but I do know that the aquariums around me here in australia are quite nice and do quarantine theirs before selling them, I’m not sure if that still defeats the purpose for me however

12-13-2018, 11:31 AM
Unless you know the specific QT process of the LFS it is a risk as most don't treat for gill flukes or worms/internal parasites.
Whereabouts in Australia are you? I grew up in Brissy and live in Perth for 12 years b4 relocating to the USA 5 yrs ago. Aussie aussie aussie!
All the best :thumbsup:

12-13-2018, 11:47 AM
I’m down in Melbs and I could call up and ask just to be safe, also I know this isn’t related to discus but I made another thread on monsterfish and got some quite rude responses so does anyone know if it’d be a bad idea to have a Sailfin Pleco alongside a male and female Flowerhorn, 5ft tank, the female fh is roughly 5months whilst the male is about 3 months

12-13-2018, 12:02 PM
My first question is, are you a Collingwood supporter? I've been a Pie's bloke all my life cause my dad was the president of the brother club, Sherwood, in the QAFL before the national AFL arose, haha.
I do know sailfin plecos grow huge and can be boisterous, but FH's are no slouches when it comes to aggressive behaviour but have no personal experience with FH's mate, sorry.
There's a member named Joe from Melbourne on SD, Two Utes is his site name. He's been there and done that on most things discus. He would be a great local resource if you can get into contact with him.
Goodonya mate

12-13-2018, 02:31 PM
Not a good match for a discus tank mates;altho,I have never owed a CKF they will come out at night and the other fish will not get much rest.IMO,none of the above mentioned fish are good for less than 3 inch discus,no matter how big the tank.

12-13-2018, 07:51 PM
So, I have my 5 discus all varying sizes from 2.5 inches to 5.5inches or so. I also have them mixed with 3 black ghost knife fish. My tank is 60 gallons and everyone gets along fine for me. (this is just my experience with them.) My BGK seem to interact with each other and mostly leave the discus alone. Of my 3 BGK 2 of them are roughtly 2 inches and the other is about 3.5. When I first added the BGK they pecked a discus 1 or 2 times then just proceeded to leave them alone. Maybe i just got a lucky batch of BGK but that's my experience. My water conditions are 0-.25 Nitrate, 0-.25 Ammonia, and 6.5 Ph. Hope this helps.

12-14-2018, 10:14 AM
Black Ghost Knife will require a very large tank.They will out grow discus in no time.They may also cause some stress "lack of rest over time" and stress causes illness in fish.Most fish will live a few months together,getting them to live a life time with one another is something else.

12-14-2018, 11:29 AM
BGK are active at night. Could unnerve the discus at lights out.

12-14-2018, 11:48 AM
So, I have my 5 discus all varying sizes from 2.5 inches to 5.5inches or so. I also have them mixed with 3 black ghost knife fish. My tank is 60 gallons and everyone gets along fine for me. (this is just my experience with them.) My BGK seem to interact with each other and mostly leave the discus alone. Of my 3 BGK 2 of them are roughtly 2 inches and the other is about 3.5. When I first added the BGK they pecked a discus 1 or 2 times then just proceeded to leave them alone. Maybe i just got a lucky batch of BGK but that's my experience. My water conditions are 0-.25 Nitrate, 0-.25 Ammonia, and 6.5 Ph. Hope this helps.
I'm surprised you have 3 bgk's living with each other considering they almost all of the time fight eachother for dominance until only 1 is left

12-15-2018, 07:50 PM
the largest one does seem to bully the other 2 small ones but for for me they all seem to get along just fine. maybe i just got lucky. maybe the day is yet to come where they fight non stop. then again mine are somewhat small in comparison to the sizes they can reach.