View Full Version : Kanamycin to Beefheart Dosage

12-19-2018, 10:13 AM
Looking for a recommended dosage for Kanamycin Sulfate to beefheart for treatment of internal infection. Thanks Stu.

Second Hand Pat
12-19-2018, 10:42 AM
Hi Stu, somehow this does not sound like a good idea. Seems when most fish have an internal issues they are generally not eating.

12-19-2018, 11:09 AM
Hi Stu, somehow this does not sound like a good idea. Seems when most fish have an internal issues they are generally not eating.

Hi Pat, once they've started to eat again I would like to continue with medicated food for the remainder of the treatment.

Do you have a recommendation that I can use?

Second Hand Pat
12-19-2018, 11:13 AM
I can tell you the dosage for the tank Stu but have no clue for adding to food. Al would be my best bet for a good answer.

12-19-2018, 11:29 AM
I'm interested in this as well. I've searched and cannot find a definitive answer. Although I've read that Kanamycin is most effective when absorbed through the water, I'd be curious to know how well it works in food.

I recently had an issue with a bloated discus that was still eating early on and I wonder if this could have helped...

12-19-2018, 11:33 AM
I can't find either. Seachem, Kanaplex which is only 40% by volume, has a recommendation which is one of their levels to a tablespoon of food but this isn't very precise at all.

12-19-2018, 12:25 PM
I checked Noga (Fish Diseases: diagnosis and Treatment 2nd ed.).

For Kanamycin, he recommends 23mg per pound of body weight per day. This would be for the active ingredient.

You need to mix the antibiotic in gelatin or oil (soybean or cod liver) and coat the food, or it will just end up in the water.

12-19-2018, 01:22 PM
Its going to be hard getting X amount of kanamycin into the feed as Naga per Dan here noted.
Often times sick fish will eat too little or be picky of their food.Others they will eat too much. If they are stressed already you could put them over the edge or organ failure.

People often say medications given in the feed are best..but thats not always true. It works great in a hatchery scenario where they know the weight of the fish and already feeding based on x amount of food per day. Its alot harder making it work in a tank of fish.

You will need their weight, and feed a specific amount of food per body weight per day. Thats hard enough but then you add the medication to something like beefheart and its going to be even harder due to the foods water content and volume. Commercial hatcheries use dry pellets or flakes when they feed a medicated food.

You may be better off With the kanamycin in the tank water as we know its absorbed.

Alternatively if you want to feed an antibiotic... go to Jehmco.com


They have Romet Flakes and Oxytetracycline flakes.
premade and dry mass with antibiotics in it.


12-19-2018, 03:14 PM
Yeah, dosing a single fish w/antibiotics by way of food is a pretty haphazard thing compared to the bath method. These internal infections rarely have a good outcome, so I generally don't bother treating, but I still try it sometimes.