View Full Version : aquatic life edge led users for plants?

12-19-2018, 11:31 AM
Hi I'm pretty new to plants trying to figure this whole thing out i have a bunch of low light plants anubiaus, java fern and crypts i had these fixtures set on the colormode very good for viewing all the fish and plants pop. been going with that mode for 8 hrs a day and some plants get yellow leaves i fertilize with dry fertilizer daily im kinda of thinking i may not have my lights set right or aren't strong enough it seems like the plants closest to the top of the tank doesn't get the yellow leaves as much as the plants in the bottom of the tank. im thinking about going with mode 2 the regular light for 6 to 8 hours a day and then switching to the colormode at night time. anybody use these fixtures for plants i use 2 of the 36 inch models for my 125 gallon heres a link of the fixtures im using would love to hear back if anybody has any suggestion or input thanks alot https://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=28127