View Full Version : Using just RO water , non planted tank...

Johney Blaze
01-10-2019, 11:42 AM
I use RO water only for my discus...is that bad ? Do I need to put something back in for the fish to be happier ? Or am I good ? 60 gallon tall. 1 blue D , 1 Snow White, 1 avacodo pleco.

Second Hand Pat
01-10-2019, 11:52 AM
I would think they would need some minerals in the water Johney unless you are doing daily water changes.

01-10-2019, 12:33 PM
I would think they would need some minerals in the water Johney unless you are doing daily water changes.

I would still add minerals or tap water, especially with young discus :elvis:

01-10-2019, 04:14 PM
I would still add minerals or tap water, especially with young discus :elvis:

+1 on going tap. No need to waste so much RO water when not needed. Furthermore, you should keep more than just 2 discus in that size tank, unless they are a couple that is.

01-11-2019, 03:31 AM
Most people using RO water ussually remineralize with commercial products or mix with at least 10-20% tap water . Aiming for at least 3 degrees GH and KH or 70 ppm TDS is a safe zone to keep you safe from PH crash.

Johney Blaze
01-11-2019, 07:28 AM
Tap is bad here ... Ive used RO with no issues ever with other fish. I got lucky with my 2. It all depends on your situation...I got these 2 knowing they would be ok because they were paired for months whenever I would visit my LFS..just them 2...so there transition was seemless. They swim together and never fight. I just add salt every other day when I do a water change. Personally I think adding bad tap is a bad idea....ammonoia etc..I might try the wonder shell mineral recharger...

01-11-2019, 09:16 AM
Is there a reason you add salt regularly.I don't think it's a good idea.South American fish do not like or need salt regularly.

Paul Sabucchi
01-11-2019, 10:05 AM
If the discus are already approaching adulthood I don't think the absence of minerals in the water would directly be an issue on the fish because 1) they get most of their requirements from the food 2) discus in some of their original habitat manage just fine in 0 hardness water. Rather I would be more concerned about the effect of the lack of carbonates (KH) on the filter, again for 2 order of reasons: 1) the nitrifying bacteria actually require just over 7 mg of CO3- for every mg of ammonia oxydised to nitrates and 2) the absence of a pH buffer will leave the water open to the possibility of rapid pH drops (particularly if water changes are few and far between, as nitrates in water will tend to hydrolise into nitric acid). If the pH drops rapidly the nitrifying bacteria practically stop working (you can get your filter used to low pH but it has to be done sloooooowly). I have kept tanks with no alkalinity (Crystal Red Shrimp), but had to constantly monitor pH, ammonia, nitrates and keep up the weekly water changes. For domestic hybrid discus I think it is safer to aim for a a KH of 2-3 at least

01-11-2019, 10:26 AM
Tap is bad here ... Ive used RO with no issues ever with other fish. I got lucky with my 2. It all depends on your situation...I got these 2 knowing they would be ok because they were paired for months whenever I would visit my LFS..just them 2...so there transition was seemless. They swim together and never fight. I just add salt every other day when I do a water change. Personally I think adding bad tap is a bad idea....ammonoia etc..I might try the wonder shell mineral recharger...

Can you expand on why your tap water is bad?

Johney Blaze
01-11-2019, 12:08 PM
I add a little salt trying to put at least something in with my RO , a couple of small pinches. Just tested my water pH is 6, nitrites 0, nitrates 5-8 , Kh and Gh are both 0. My tap is super hard and lots of ammonia.. all I do is temp my RO and pour it in slowly. I got super clean water, maybe too clean . I'm gonna try that wonder shell today ,it brings back magnesium and calcium that fish love

Johney Blaze
01-11-2019, 01:02 PM
Ty Paul for your input .

Second Hand Pat
01-11-2019, 02:06 PM
Do you use a de-chlorinator on your tap water Johney? If yes the your test kit can be showing a false positive after using the de-chlorinator.

Johney Blaze
01-11-2019, 02:46 PM
I only use RO . I was wondering if there are certain rocks that charge the water with calcium and magnesium....if anybody knows which rocks..that would be awesome. I would position a cluster of rocks in the tank. They would have to be smooth round rocks preferably. Rivers in their habitat are being charged by thier native rocks. Seen a cool video of that.

01-11-2019, 03:00 PM
Sedimentary rocks like shale, sandstone, limestone, will leach out minerals into the water. Granite is a good one that shouldn't affect the water. I've used rounded smooth granite river rock before. I have a couple large pieces of quartz in my tanks. One problem with rocks it that stuff collects under them.

Johney Blaze
01-11-2019, 05:21 PM
Agree. I just purchased Kent Discus Essential at the LFS...1 teaspoon per 30 gallons , it says. I will check GH and KH and pH ...just to see what changed. I just did a water change and applied.

01-11-2019, 05:31 PM
Have you considered crushed coral in your filter.The right amount should keep the water from a ph crash.The BB will benefit more than a ph of 6.In the Amazon a ph of 6 is fine and dandy,but in a fish tank things just don't work the same.

Johney Blaze
01-12-2019, 01:27 PM
I added Kent Discus Essential. pH is 6.0 to 6.5
GH and KH are slightly elevated (perfect) . Nitrite 0. Nitrate 5-8. They seem happy. Also added half dose of seachem nourish for my anubias tied to wood , on my bare bottom. I added half dose of nourish seachem because it has almost the same thing as my Kent Discus Essential. The Nourish seachem has added iron and NPK ...but I don't need alot because anubias are easy to keep .

Paul Sabucchi
01-12-2019, 01:44 PM
I think you did a sensible thing, keep us updated with the progress

Johney Blaze
01-13-2019, 11:06 AM
I could say my tank is now balanced...there are so many things that can go wrong if you have 0 GH and KH, soft water. Calcium and magnesium are a must for fish and bacteria, including plants...but small amounts for our Discus. Go Chargers !!!

01-14-2019, 01:26 PM
If you have a planted tank, you might want to use Seachem Equilibrium or similar product that doesn't contain NaCl. I don't know about anubias, but my plants didn't grow well when I was using RO right to remineralize my RO water. Also, Discus Essentials isn't meant for remineralizing RO water, but as a supplement.