View Full Version : Need some Info

01-20-2019, 05:34 AM
Hello everyone.. I am new to discus hobby. I bought 6 discus among them 5 are around 2.5 inch and one is bigger in size. I want to know if any of these are stunted or not..sorry for the bad image quality..

01-20-2019, 10:45 PM
They don't appear to be. They actually have a pretty nice looking eye to body ratio. I would definitely recommend checking out the grow out challenge to get all the tips to growing these out to their fullest potential. A lot of good information in there. Feed a lot and change water a lot. Welcome to discus keeping!

01-21-2019, 10:32 AM
They look fine to me too Soub.

01-21-2019, 01:59 PM
Thanks everyone..I will try to grow them to their fullest potential. But One problem I am facing that they are not eating anything other than freeze dried blackworms.I tried feeding them BHM and hikari bio gold pellets but they did not show any interest.. are blackworms enough to fill all their nutritional needs? I didn't quarantine them before adding to the main tank .don't know why they are refusing foods..

Altum Nut
01-21-2019, 09:55 PM
They look pretty good to me Souvik....however it's good practice and often mentioned to new to Discus hobbyist to quarantine any need additions so hope all goes well.
Freeze Dried Blackworms are nutritious but a variety of high protein food will benefit them. Introducing new foods takes time so I would recommend you keep trying and maybe starve them for a day and see if that works.
As to why they are not eating...how long have you had them? You can try and spread food to different sides of tank to prevent any bullies soul ownership of food.


01-22-2019, 11:22 AM
Thanks Ralph..I bought them a week ago..They are eating but only blackworms.. I tried to give them bio gold after soaking in garlic juice..is it okey to stop feeding for 2-3 days in this higher growth period or should I try later after couple of months?

01-30-2019, 04:31 AM
Thanks Ralph..I bought them a week ago..They are eating but only blackworms.. I tried to give them bio gold after soaking in garlic juice..is it okey to stop feeding for 2-3 days in this higher growth period or should I try later after couple of months?

The safest way is to be persistent in offering the new food as the first meal of the day , give them couple of hours to tempt them , then siphon out leftovers and feed their favourite through the rest of the day . Doing this every day should get them eating the new food in a couple of weeks .