View Full Version : My half black project

01-26-2019, 10:01 PM
Since the Discus are doing nothing in terms of producing fry I have been concentrating on my Angelfish project. (I do have a bunch of juvies that have a lot of potential growing out_

Half Black Angels don't have much appeal for most people but the people who are in to them are very much in to them so they always bring an excellent price of Aquabid. My project is breeding different types together to get several different varieties of Half Blacks in a single spawn. The recessive genes I'm working with are Half Back, stripeless, pearl scale, blue, and super veil. Silver is dominant over everything.

This is an exciting time for me because my Half Black stripeless standard finned X Half Black super veil have fry that should free swim tomorrow. They had eaten their eggs so many times that I had about given up on them. Also, my first pair of my cross I made with a blue silver and a half black has formed and have 2 day old wigglers. It's their first time so I'm trying not to hope that they will successful. If they do, I will have all the genes in those two spawns to play with crossing. Also, I don't artificially raise like most breeders so that's another hoop that I have to jump through even though it doesn't matter much to buyers.

I know that most Discus even have an understanding of Angelfish genetics, so all this will mean nothing to you. For me, it is a chance to have fun working toward a goal.

01-27-2019, 02:18 AM
Hope it all goes well with them! Post pics when you can.

I first saw a half black 20 something years ago and was hooked instantly. I would love to get some from you. Let me know when you have some available!

Second Hand Pat
01-27-2019, 08:42 AM
Sounds exciting Liz, Please do report back on how the two spawns do! :D

01-27-2019, 09:37 PM
Kriby, I'll be in touch with you soon.

01-27-2019, 10:06 PM
Pat, even though I don't have much to report I'll report anyway. The kids from the most HB veil X HB stripeless pair did not free swim today. I swear, it takes forever for Angelfish wigglers to free swim. The other pair is guarding their spawn like champs. I have more faith in the first timer's to get it right than the ones with the weirder genetics. It always works that way.

I want both of these spawns to make it because I have found that the younger you put different strains together, the more apt they are to choose a mate of different genetics. I wonder if it works that way with people?

01-28-2019, 09:53 AM
Free swimmers! Hurray!!!

01-28-2019, 10:02 AM

They look so small :)

(how big are the parents?)

01-28-2019, 10:27 AM
Actually, I think that Discus fry are even smaller. This size new baby Angels are. The parents are about 2 years old and are their full adult size.

01-28-2019, 11:26 AM
The parents are gorgeous Liz. I’ll be following this thread!

01-31-2019, 08:45 AM
Good things come to those who wait. The kids of the second pair have just gone free swimming. I'll take a pic later, but nobody will be impressed with the parents. They look like plain old Silvers. What is cool about them is the hidden genes they carry. These are het for blue, het for ps, and het for HB.

Second Hand Pat
01-31-2019, 09:50 AM
Free swimmers! Hurray!!!

Nice :D